1.6 KiB
1.6 KiB
Simple draft skeleton:
Board Setup
- Create a grid of tiles
- Create islands and assign size and location (on tiles)
- Create "stone circles"
On Game start functions
- Create player data (maybe using enums)
- Assign villages to players
- Assign settlers to players
- Randomly Assign resources and statuettes to map "stone circles"
Exploration Phase
- Pick player
- Player places piece (use function to check placement rules)
- Repeat with next player (while not Exploration Phase over)
Check Placement
If piece is settler, check if one of:
- on unoccupied water
- on unoccupied land adjacent to one of their pieces
If piece is village, check on unoccupied land adjacent to one of their pieces
Piece Placing
- Check placement (using function)
- Assign piece to tile
- If piece on "stone circle" > get resources and statuettes
Exploration Phase over
If one of:
- All resources (not including statuettes) have been collected
- No player has any remaining moves available
Setup board
Create player (requires input data, probably from player number and colour)
Exploration Phase
Check Placement (requires input data, probably piece annd returns bool)
Place Piece (requires input data, probably from player and piece type)
Exploration Phase over (bool)
- Owner (Player)
- Type (Settler, Village)
- Placed on (Tile)
- Location (x,y)
- Type (Land, Water)
- Pieces (List of Pieces)
- Size (x,y)
- Location (x,y)
- Point value (int)
Stone Circle
- Location (x,y)
- Resources (List of Resources)
- Statuettes (List of Statuettes)
- Claimed (bool)