440 lines
17 KiB
440 lines
17 KiB
import json
from flask import Flask, make_response, redirect, request, jsonify, render_template, send_from_directory, send_file
from flask_cors import CORS
import os
import dotenv
import requests
import CloudFlare
import datetime
import qrcode
import re
from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter
app = Flask(__name__)
address = ''
handshake_scripts = '<script src="https://nathan.woodburn/handshake.js" domain="nathan.woodburn" async></script><script src="https://nathan.woodburn/https.js" async></script>'
restricted = ['ascii']
sites = []
if os.path.isfile('data/sites.json'):
with open('data/sites.json') as file:
sites = json.load(file)
# Custom header
def add_custom_header(response):
response.headers['Onion-Location'] = 'http://wdbrncwefot4hd7bdrz5rzb74mefay7zvrjn2vmkpdm44l7fwnih5ryd.onion/'
return response
#Assets routes
def send_report(path):
if path.endswith('.json'):
return send_from_directory('templates/assets', path, mimetype='application/json')
return send_from_directory('templates/assets', path)
# Special routes
def links():
return render_template('link.html')
def sitemap():
# Remove all .html from sitemap
with open('templates/sitemap.xml') as file:
sitemap = file.read()
sitemap = sitemap.replace('.html', '')
return make_response(sitemap, 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'})
def faviconPNG():
return send_from_directory('templates/assets/img', 'android-chrome-512x512.png')
def favicon():
return send_from_directory('templates/assets/img', 'favicon.ico')
def faviconSVG():
return send_from_directory('templates/assets/img', 'favicon.svg')
def handshake():
# return request.path
return send_from_directory('templates/assets/js', request.path.split('/')[-1])
def removeTrailingSlash():
return render_template(request.path.split('/')[-2] + '.html')
def wallet(path):
# If HNS, redirect to HNS wallet
if path == "HNS":
# Get from then return result
# Check for cookie
if request.cookies.get('HNS'):
return make_response(request.cookies.get('HNS'), 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
address = getAddress()
# Set cookie
resp = make_response(address, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
# Cookie should last 1 week
resp.set_cookie('HNS', address, max_age=604800)
return resp
if path[0] == ".":
return send_from_directory('.well-known/wallets', path, mimetype='application/json')
elif os.path.isfile('.well-known/wallets/' + path):
address = ''
with open('.well-known/wallets/' + path) as file:
address = file.read()
address = address.strip()
return make_response(address, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
if os.path.isfile('.well-known/wallets/' + path.upper()):
return redirect('/.well-known/wallets/' + path.upper(), code=302)
return render_template('404.html'), 404
def nostr():
# Get name parameter
name = request.args.get('name')
if not name:
return jsonify({'error': 'No name provided'})
return jsonify({
'names': {
name: 'b57b6a06fdf0a4095eba69eee26e2bf6fa72bd1ce6cbe9a6f72a7021c7acaa82'
# Main routes
def index():
global address
global handshake_scripts
git=requests.get('https://git.woodburn.au/api/v1/users/nathanwoodburn/activities/feeds?only-performed-by=true&limit=1&token=' + os.getenv('git_token'))
git = git.json()
git = git[0]
repo_name = "nathanwoodburn.github.io"
repo_description = "Personal website"
git = {'repo': {'html_url': 'https://nathan.woodburn.au', 'name': 'nathanwoodburn.github.io', 'description': 'Personal website'}}
custom = ""
# Check for downtime
uptime = requests.get('https://uptime.woodburn.au/api/status-page/main/badge')
uptime = uptime.content.count(b'Up') > 1
if uptime:
custom += "<style>#downtime{display:none !important;}</style>"
custom += "<style>#downtime{opacity:1;}</style>"
# Special names
if repo_name == "nathanwoodburn.github.io":
repo_name = "Nathan.Woodburn/"
repo = "<a href=\"" + html_url + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + repo_name + "</a>"
# If localhost, don't load handshake
if request.host == "localhost:5000" or request.host == "" or os.getenv('dev') == "true" or request.host == "test.nathan.woodburn.au":
handshake_scripts = ""
if request.cookies.get('HNS'):
return render_template('index.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, HNS=request.cookies.get('HNS'), repo=repo, repo_description=repo_description, custom=custom,sites=sites)
if address == '':
address = getAddress()
# Set cookie
resp = make_response(render_template('index.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, HNS=address, repo=repo, repo_description=repo_description, custom=custom,sites=sites), 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
# Cookie should last 1 week
resp.set_cookie('HNS', address, max_age=604800)
return resp
def now():
global handshake_scripts
# If localhost, don't load handshake
if request.host == "localhost:5000" or request.host == "" or os.getenv('dev') == "true" or request.host == "test.nathan.woodburn.au":
handshake_scripts = ""
# Get latest now page
files = os.listdir('templates/now')
# Remove template
files = [file for file in files if file != 'template.html' and file != 'old.html']
date = files[0].strip('.html')
# Convert to date
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%y_%m_%d')
date = date.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y')
return render_template('now/' + files[0], handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, DATE=date)
def now_path(path):
global handshake_scripts
# If localhost, don't load handshake
if request.host == "localhost:5000" or request.host == "" or os.getenv('dev') == "true" or request.host == "test.nathan.woodburn.au":
handshake_scripts = ""
date = path
date = date.strip('.html')
# Convert to date
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%y_%m_%d')
date = date.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y')
date = ""
# If file exists, load it
if os.path.isfile('templates/now/' + path):
return render_template('now/' + path, handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, DATE=date)
if os.path.isfile('templates/now/' + path + '.html'):
return render_template('now/' + path + '.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, DATE=date)
return render_template('404.html'), 404
def now_old():
global handshake_scripts
# If localhost, don't load handshake
if request.host == "localhost:5000" or request.host == "" or os.getenv('dev') == "true" or request.host == "test.nathan.woodburn.au":
handshake_scripts = ""
now_pages = os.listdir('templates/now')
now_pages = [page for page in now_pages if page != 'template.html' and page != 'old.html']
html = '<ul class="list-group">'
latest = " (Latest)"
for page in now_pages:
link = page.strip('.html')
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(link, '%y_%m_%d')
date = date.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y')
html += f'<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/now/{link}"><li class="list-group-item" style="background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;">{date}{latest}</li></a>'
latest = ""
html += '</ul>'
return render_template('now/old.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts,now_pages=html)
def donate():
global handshake_scripts
# If localhost, don't load handshake
if request.host == "localhost:5000" or request.host == "" or os.getenv('dev') == "true" or request.host == "test.nathan.woodburn.au":
handshake_scripts = ""
coinList = os.listdir('.well-known/wallets')
coinList = [file for file in coinList if file[0] != '.']
tokenList = []
with open('.well-known/wallets/.tokens') as file:
tokenList = file.read()
tokenList = json.loads(tokenList)
coinNames = {}
with open('.well-known/wallets/.coins') as file:
coinNames = file.read()
coinNames = json.loads(coinNames)
coins = ''
default_coins = ['btc', 'eth', 'hns','sol','bnb','xrp','ada']
for file in coinList:
if file in coinNames:
coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="{"display:none;" if file.lower() not in default_coins else ""}" href="?c={file.lower()}">{coinNames[file]}</a>'
coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="{"display:none;" if file.lower() not in default_coins else ""}" href="?c={file.lower()}">{file}</a>'
for token in tokenList:
if token["chain"] != 'null':
coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="display:none;" href="?t={token["symbol"].lower()}&c={token["chain"].lower()}">{token["name"]} ({token["symbol"] + " on " if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""}{token["chain"]})</a>'
coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="display:none;" href="?t={token["symbol"].lower()}&c={token["chain"].lower()}">{token["name"]} ({token["symbol"] if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""})</a>'
crypto = request.args.get('c')
if not crypto:
instructions = '<br>Donate with cryptocurrency:<br>Select a coin from the dropdown above.'
return render_template('donate.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, coins=coins,default_coins=default_coins, crypto=instructions)
crypto = crypto.upper()
token = request.args.get('t')
if token:
token = token.upper()
for t in tokenList:
if t['symbol'].upper() == token and t['chain'].upper() == crypto:
token = t
if not isinstance(token, dict):
token = {
"name": "Unknown token",
"symbol": token,
"chain": crypto
address = ''
domain = ''
cryptoHTML = ''
if os.path.isfile(f'.well-known/wallets/{crypto}'):
with open(f'.well-known/wallets/{crypto}') as file:
address = file.read()
if not token:
cryptoHTML += f'<br>Donate with {coinNames[crypto] if crypto in coinNames else crypto}:'
cryptoHTML += f'<br>Donate with {token["name"]} {"("+token["symbol"]+") " if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""}on {crypto}:'
cryptoHTML += f'<code data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bss-tooltip="" id="crypto-address" class="address" style="color: rgb(242,90,5);display: block;" data-bs-original-title="Click to copy">{address}</code>'
elif token:
if 'address' in token:
address = token['address']
cryptoHTML += f'<br>Donate with {token["name"]} {"("+token["symbol"]+")" if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""}{" on "+crypto if crypto != "NULL" else ""}:'
cryptoHTML += f'<code data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bss-tooltip="" id="crypto-address" class="address" style="color: rgb(242,90,5);display: block;" data-bs-original-title="Click to copy">{address}</code>'
cryptoHTML += f'<br>Invalid coin: {crypto}<br>'
cryptoHTML += f'<br>Invalid coin: {crypto}<br>'
if os.path.isfile(f'.well-known/wallets/.domains'):
# Get json of all domains
with open(f'.well-known/wallets/.domains') as file:
domains = file.read()
domains = json.loads(domains)
if crypto in domains:
domain = domains[crypto]
cryptoHTML += '<br>Or send to this domain on compatible wallets:<br>'
cryptoHTML += f'<code data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bss-tooltip="" id="crypto-domain" class="address" style="color: rgb(242,90,5);display: block;" data-bs-original-title="Click to copy">{domain}</code>'
if address:
cryptoHTML += '<img src="/qrcode/' + address + '" alt="QR Code" style="width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin: 20px auto;">'
copyScript = '<script>document.getElementById("crypto-address").addEventListener("click", function() {navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.innerText);this.setAttribute("data-bs-original-title", "Copied!");});document.getElementById("crypto-domain").addEventListener("click", function() {navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.innerText);this.setAttribute("data-bs-original-title", "Copied!");});</script>'
cryptoHTML += copyScript
return render_template('donate.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, crypto=cryptoHTML, coins=coins,default_coins=default_coins)
def addressQR(data):
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
qr_image = qr.make_image(fill_color="#110033", back_color="white")
# Save the QR code image to a temporary file
qr_image_path = "/tmp/qr_code.png"
# Return the QR code image as a response
return send_file(qr_image_path, mimetype="image/png")
def supersecretpath():
ascii_art = ''
if os.path.isfile('data/ascii.txt'):
with open('data/ascii.txt') as file:
ascii_art = file.read()
converter = Ansi2HTMLConverter()
ascii_art_html = converter.convert(ascii_art)
return render_template('ascii.html', ascii_art=ascii_art_html)
def catch_all(path):
global handshake_scripts
# If localhost, don't load handshake
if request.host == "localhost:5000" or request.host == "" or os.getenv('dev') == "true" or request.host == "test.nathan.woodburn.au":
handshake_scripts = ""
if path.lower().replace('.html','') in restricted:
return render_template('404.html'), 404
# If file exists, load it
if os.path.isfile('templates/' + path):
return render_template(path, handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts)
# Try with .html
if os.path.isfile('templates/' + path + '.html'):
return render_template(path + '.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts)
if os.path.isfile('templates/' + path.strip('/') + '.html'):
return render_template(path.strip('/') + '.html', handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts)
return render_template('404.html'), 404
def getAddress():
global address
if address == '':
address = 'hs1qv3uu4amv87g7p7h49xez2pmzwjf92am0wzpnh4'
return address
@app.route('/hnsdoh-acme', methods=['POST'])
def hnsdoh_acme():
# Get the TXT record from the request
if not request.json:
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'No JSON data provided'})
if 'txt' not in request.json or 'auth' not in request.json:
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'Missing required data'})
txt = request.json['txt']
auth = request.json['auth']
if auth != os.getenv('CF_AUTH'):
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'error': 'Invalid auth'})
cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(token=os.getenv('CF_TOKEN'))
zone = cf.zones.get(params={'name': 'hnsdoh.com'})
zone_id = zone[0]['id']
existing_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id, params={'type': 'TXT', 'name': '_acme-challenge.hnsdoh.com'})
# Delete existing TXT records
for record in existing_records:
record_id = record['id']
cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, record_id)
record = cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data={'type': 'TXT', 'name': '_acme-challenge', 'content': txt})
return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
# 404 catch all
def not_found(e):
return render_template('404.html'), 404
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug=True, port=5000, host='') |