fix: Update social icons to work on small mobiles
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Nathan Woodburn 2024-08-15 14:02:35 +10:00
parent 80fc1cdc4d
commit ef40e8078c
Signed by: nathanwoodburn
GPG Key ID: 203B000478AD0EF1
5 changed files with 156 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -41,39 +41,70 @@
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<p style="margin-top: 1em;">Hi, I am Nathan Woodburn and I live in Canberra<br>I am currently studying at the Australian National University<br>I enjoy 3D printing and CAD<br>I code stuff with C#, Linux Bash and tons of other languages<br>I'm a co-founder of <a href="" target="_blank">Handshake Australia</a><br>I currently work for <a href="" target="_blank">Namebase</a><br><br></p><i class="fas fa-arrow-down" style="font-size: 50px;" onclick="slideout()"></i> <p style="margin-top: 1em;">Hi, I am Nathan Woodburn and I live in Canberra<br>I am currently studying at the Australian National University<br>I enjoy 3D printing and CAD<br>I code stuff with C#, Linux Bash and tons of other languages<br>I'm a co-founder of <a href="" target="_blank">Handshake Australia</a><br>I currently work for <a href="" target="_blank">Namebase</a><br><br></p><i class="fas fa-arrow-down" style="font-size: 50px;" onclick="slideout()"></i>
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<p>Here are my socials. I'm most active on Discord</p> <p>Here are my socials. I'm most active on Discord</p>
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@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ Find out what I've been up to in the last week">
<p>I've been having issues with one of my servers hosted in oracle. Docker containers on the server are losing connection to my VPN network. This network issue stops my other servers from connecting. My authentication system and a few other less important systems have now been moved to my main physical server. This should stop any further issues caused by the VPN networking issues.&nbsp;</p> <p>I've been having issues with one of my servers hosted in oracle. Docker containers on the server are losing connection to my VPN network. This network issue stops my other servers from connecting. My authentication system and a few other less important systems have now been moved to my main physical server. This should stop any further issues caused by the VPN networking issues.&nbsp;</p>
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