2024-02-09 05:07:37 +00:00

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HNS Fund Team 1 2024-02-09T05:07:31.914Z markdown 2024-02-09T05:07:31.914Z

HNS Fund Team

The HNS Fund follows a holocracy model where each team is independent and autonomous with complete control of how they operate and spend the resources allocated to them. Teams in the HNS Fund DAO are organized groups of Handshake community members that would like to contribute to the HNS ecosystem. Teams are funded through the HNS Fund Master Multisig based on total donations for that month. Each team organizes internally in whatever way works for them and gets positive results. Each team controls their own multisig and can use their funds however without requiring approval from any other team or Master Multisig signers

Grants Program

Grants go out to dedicated HNS community members who are continuously providing valuable contributions to the ecosystem. Grants can be for completely discretionary use or may have targeted features/conditions tied to it which will be discussed with grant recipients before they accept and receive their funding. You can view grant recipients on our Grant Rounds page.

Grants Team Leaders: Kiba_Gateaux/,

Bounties Program

The Bounties Team manages open bounties in the HNS ecosystem. These could be to upgrade the HNS protocol, add a feature to an open source product like Bob Wallet, translating handy.wiki content to other languages, or really anything the see fit to develop the HNS ecosystem. They are responsible for vetting bounty requests, properly speccing out completion criteria, ensuring bounties are easy to participate in e.g. by providing supporting docs for a job, verifying bounty has been adequately completed, and distributing payments to winner. We maintain a spreadsheet of open bounties and payment transactions.

Bounties Team Leaders: Kiba_Gateaux/

Core Protocol

For research and development of the core Handshake protocol and tooling. Generally for mid to long term projects that require in-depth knowledge of the protocol and extensive testing before deployment.

Team Leaders: pinheadmz/

Community Ambassadors

Engage and liaison with other communities on behalf of Handshake and HNS Fund. Could be creating a dweb industry alliance, running Clubhouse calls, geo-specific communities, schmoozing at ICANN events, or DAO to DAO collaborations.

Ambassador Team Leaders: Tracy Fong, Mark Smith, Michael Michelini

Fundraising Events

Organize and host events that drive donations to HNS Fund. Could be fundraising auctions, paid workshops, meetups with paid sponsorship, etc. Can be done in collaboration with other entities as long as a significant portion of revenue from the event is going to the HNS Fund (> 2%)

Fundraising Team Leaders: Colin Burke, Michael Michelini


In charge of creating a sustainable treasury for HNS Fund. The Endowment receives a portion of all donations to invest in DeFi. Interest earned on this principal is used to support HNS Fund and HNS ecosystem in perpetuity.

Team Leaders: Kiba_Gateaux/