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There is a server running at (or
You can connect using the following username: gituser
Somewhere in this repository is the password to the user gituser.

Challenge 1

Once you log in, you will find a file called flag.txt in the home directory.
This file contains the flag (proof you finished) for this challenge.
After you find the flag, DM it to me on Discord or email it to me.

Challenge 2

There is another flag hidden somewhere in the same directory.


  • After you find the password, you can use ssh to log in to the server.
    • The command is ssh <user>@<ip\domain>.
    • You will be prompted about the authenticity of the host. Type yes and press enter. (This is used to make sure you are connecting to the right server)
    • You will be prompted for the password. You can type it or paste it by right clicking.
  • Here are some useful commands to know
    • ls - List files in the current directory
    • cat <file> - Print the contents of a file
    • pwd - Print the current working directory
    • cd <directory> - Change directory (disabled for you atm)
    • help or man - Get help about a command (some commands need one or the other)
    • logout - Log out of the server (also Ctrl+D)