from flask import Flask, make_response, redirect, request, jsonify, render_template, send_from_directory, render_template_string import os import dotenv import requests import datetime import json import secrets import threading app = Flask(__name__) dotenv.load_dotenv() URL = os.getenv('PROXY') RESTRICTED = os.getenv('RESTRICTED') RESTRICTED = json.loads(RESTRICTED) RESTRICTED = [f'{i.lower()}/' for i in RESTRICTED] TLD = os.getenv('TLD') REPLACEMENT = os.getenv('REPLACE') REPLACEMENT = json.loads(REPLACEMENT) # Load cookies cookies = [] if os.path.isfile('cookies.json'): with open('cookies.json') as file: cookies = json.load(file) else: with open('cookies.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(cookies, file) # region Auth @app.route('/auth', methods=['POST']) def auth(): global cookies auth = login(request) if auth == False: return render_template_string("Failed to authenticate") # Make sure user has a correct domain if not auth.endswith(f'.{TLD}'): return render_template_string(f"You need to have a domain on .{TLD} to access this content.") resp = make_response(render_template_string("Success")) # Gen cookie auth_cookie = secrets.token_hex(12 // 2) cookies.append({'name': auth, 'cookie': auth_cookie}) with open('cookies.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(cookies, file) resp.set_cookie('auth', auth_cookie, max_age=60*60*24*30) return resp @app.route('/logout') def logout(): global cookies resp = make_response(redirect('/')) resp.set_cookie('auth', '', expires=0) if 'auth' not in request.cookies: return resp cookies = [i for i in cookies if i['cookie'] != request.cookies['auth']] with open('cookies.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(cookies, file) return resp def login(request): dict = request.form.to_dict() keys = dict.keys() keys = list(keys)[0] keys = json.loads(keys) auth_request = keys['request'] # return login(auth_request) r = requests.get(f'{auth_request}') r = r.json() if r['success'] == False: return False if 'data' in r: data = r['data'] if 'name' in data: return data['name'] return False # endregion # Catch all @app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''}) @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def catch_all(path): for i in RESTRICTED: if path.lower().startswith(i) or path.lower() == i: # Check if user is logged in if 'auth' not in request.cookies: return render_template('auth.html',,redirect=request.url,tld=TLD) auth = request.cookies['auth'] if not any(i['cookie'] == auth for i in cookies): return render_template('auth.html',,redirect=request.url,tld=TLD) break res = requests.request( method = request.method, url = request.url.replace(request.host_url, f'{URL}/'), headers = {k:v for k,v in request.headers if k.lower() != 'host'}, data = request.get_data(), cookies = request.cookies, allow_redirects = False, ) excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] headers = [ (k,v) for k,v in res.raw.headers.items() if k.lower() not in excluded_headers ] # Replace all instances of the proxy URL with the local URL # If content type is html if 'text/html' in res.headers['Content-Type']: content = res.content.decode('utf-8') content = content.replace(URL, for i in REPLACEMENT: content = content.replace(i, response = make_response(content, res.status_code, headers) return response response = make_response(res.content, res.status_code, headers) return response if __name__ == '__main__':, port=5000, host='')