import base64 import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import discord from discord import app_commands import json from faucet import send_domain import dns.resolver import dns.exception import dns.message import shaker import re import datetime load_dotenv() TOKEN = os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN') ADMINID = 0 LOCAL = False if os.getenv('LOCAL') == "True": LOCAL = True intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.members = True intents.guilds = True client = discord.Client(intents=intents) tree = app_commands.CommandTree(client) faucet_messages = [] faucet_roles = '/data/faucet.json' verified_roles = '/data/roles.json' if LOCAL: faucet_roles = 'faucet.json' verified_roles = 'roles.json' # Commands @tree.command(name="faucet", description="Get a free domain") async def faucet(ctx, email:str): # Check if a DM if ctx.guild is None: await ctx.response.send_message("You can not claim from the faucet in DMs") return roles = {} if os.path.exists(faucet_roles): with open(faucet_roles, 'r') as f: roles = json.load(f) if str( in roles: if roles[str(] in [ for role in ctx.user.roles]: await ctx.response.send_message("The faucet will gift you a domain when someone approves your request") message = await"Approve this gift by reacting to this message with a 👍") faucet_messages.append({ "id":, "email": email, "user":, "time": }) print(faucet_messages) await message.add_reaction("👍") return await ctx.response.send_message("You can't claim from the faucet",ephemeral=True) @tree.command(name="setfaucetrole", description="Change the role that can use the faucet") async def faucetrole(ctx,role:discord.Role): if != ADMINID: await ctx.response.send_message("You don't have permission to do that",ephemeral=True) return await ctx.response.send_message("Faucet role set to " + + " for server " +,ephemeral=True) roles = {} if os.path.exists(faucet_roles): with open(faucet_roles, 'r') as f: roles = json.load(f) roles[str(] = with open(faucet_roles, 'w') as f: json.dump(roles, f) @tree.command(name="setverifiedrole", description="Set the role that verified users get") async def setverifiedrole(ctx,role:discord.Role): # Check user has manage guild permission if not ctx.user.guild_permissions.manage_guild: await ctx.response.send_message("You don't have permission to do that",ephemeral=True) return # Verify bot can manage roles if not await ctx.response.send_message("I don't have permission to do that",ephemeral=True) return # Verify I can manage the role if not > role: await ctx.response.send_message("I don't have permission to do that",ephemeral=True) return if not os.path.exists(verified_roles): with open(verified_roles, 'w') as f: json.dump({}, f) with open(verified_roles, 'r') as f: roles = json.load(f) roles[str(] = with open(verified_roles, 'w') as f: json.dump(roles, f) await ctx.response.send_message("Verified role set to " + + " for server " +,ephemeral=True) @tree.command(name="verify", description="Verifies your ownership of a Handshake name and sets your nickname.") async def verify(ctx, domain:str): name_idna = domain.lower().strip().rstrip("/").encode("idna") name_ascii = name_idna.decode("ascii") parts = name_ascii.split(".") for part in parts: if not re.match(r'[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$', part): return await ctx.response.send_message("Invalid domain",ephemeral=True) try: name_rendered = name_idna.decode("idna") except UnicodeError: # don't render invalid punycode name_rendered = name_ascii if shaker.check_name(, name_ascii): try: await ctx.user.edit(nick=name_rendered + "/") # Set role await shaker.handle_role(ctx.user, True) return await ctx.response.send_message("Your nickname has been set to " + name_rendered + "/",ephemeral=True) except discord.errors.Forbidden: return await ctx.response.send_message("I don't have permission to do that",ephemeral=True) records = [{ "type": 'TXT', "host": ".".join(["_shaker", "_auth"] + parts[:-1]), "value": str(, "ttl": 60, }] records = json.dumps(records) records = records.encode("utf-8") records = base64.b64encode(records) records = records.decode("utf-8") message = f"To verify that you own `{name_rendered}/` please create a TXT record located at `_shaker._auth.{name_ascii}` with the following data: `{}`.\n\n" message += f"If you use Namebase, you can do this automatically by visiting the following link:\n" message += f"\n\n" message += f"Once the record is set (this may take a few minutes) you can run this command again or manually set your nickname to `{name_rendered}/`." await ctx.response.send_message(message,ephemeral=True) # When the bot is ready @client.event async def on_ready(): global ADMINID ADMINID = await tree.sync() # When a member updates their nickname @client.event async def on_member_update(before, after): await shaker.check_member(after) @client.event async def on_member_join(member) -> None: await shaker.check_member(member) @client.event async def on_message(message): if == client.user: return if not message.guild: await'Invite this bot into your server by using this link:\n') # On reaction @client.event async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user): if user == client.user: return if not reaction.message.guild: return if return if != client.user: return if reaction.emoji != "👍": return print( # If it is within 15 minutes for faucet_message in faucet_messages: if faucet_message["id"] == if faucet_message["user"] == and != ADMINID: await"You can't approve your own gift") return # Verify the approver has the shaker role if not os.path.exists(verified_roles): with open(verified_roles, 'w') as f: json.dump({}, f) with open(verified_roles, 'r') as f: roles = json.load(f) if str( in roles: if roles[str(] not in [ for role in user.roles]: await"You don't have permission to approve this gift\nRun /verify to be eligable to approve gifts") return else: await"You don't have permission to approve this gift\nRun /verify to be eligable to approve gifts") return if ( - faucet_message["time"]).total_seconds() > 900: await"This gift has expired") return result = await send_domain(faucet_message["user"], faucet_message["email"]) receiver = await client.fetch_user(faucet_message["user"]) await receiver.send(result) faucet_messages.remove(faucet_message) # Update message await reaction.message.edit(content="Approved by " + return