import requests import os import dotenv dotenv.load_dotenv() zone = "" TLSA = "" REG_KEY = os.getenv('REG_KEY') city_domain = os.getenv('CITY_DOMAIN') if city_domain == "localhost": city_domain = "exampledomainnathan1" server_ip = os.getenv('CITY_IP') def update_auth(auth,domain): verify_ALIAS(domain) record = get_auth_id(domain) if record == "": data = { "action": "addRecord", "zone": zone, "type": "TXT", "name": domain, "content": auth, } else: data = { "action": "updateRecord", "zone": zone, "record": record, "column": "content", "value": auth } if auth == "" and record == "": return if auth == "" and record != "": data = { "action": "deleteRecord", "zone": zone, "record": record } # Update TXT record url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+REG_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data) return r.text def get_auth_id(domain): if zone == "": get_zone() data = { "action": "getRecords", "zone": zone, "name": domain + "." + city_domain, "type": "TXT", "content": "" } url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+REG_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } r =, headers=headers, json=data) r = r.json() if 'data' not in r: return "" for record in r['data']: if 'profile avatar=' not in record['content']: return record['uuid'] return "" def get_auth(domain): if zone == "": get_zone() data = { "action": "getRecords", "zone": zone, "name": domain + "." + city_domain, "type": "TXT", "content": "" } url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+REG_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } r =, headers=headers, json=data) r = r.json() if 'data' not in r: return "" for record in r['data']: if 'profile avatar=' not in record['content']: return record['content'] return "" def get_zone(): global zone global TLSA url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+REG_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } data = { "action": "getZones" } r =, headers=headers, json=data) r = r.json() for domain in r['data']: if domain['name'] == city_domain: zone = domain['id'] data = { "action": "getRecords", "zone": zone, "name": "*."+city_domain, "type": "TLSA", "content": "" } r =, headers=headers, json=data) r = r.json() for record in r['data']: TLSA = record['content'] return zone def update_avatar(avatar,domain): verify_ALIAS(domain) if zone == "": get_zone() data = { "action": "getRecords", "zone": zone, "name": domain + "." + city_domain, "type": "TXT", "content": "" } url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+REG_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } r =, headers=headers, json=data) r = r.json() record_id = "" if 'data' in r: for record in r['data']: if record['name'] == domain + "." + city_domain: if 'profile avatar=' in record['content']: if record['content'].split("profile avatar=")[1] == avatar: print("Avatar already set", flush=True) return "Avatar already set" record_id = record['uuid'] if record_id == "": data = { "action": "addRecord", "zone": zone, "type": "TXT", "name": domain, "content": "profile avatar=" + avatar, } else: data = { "action": "updateRecord", "zone": zone, "record": record_id, "column": "content", "value": "profile avatar=" + avatar } if avatar == "" and record_id == "": return if avatar == "" and record_id != "": data = { "action": "deleteRecord", "zone": zone, "record": record_id } r =, headers=headers, json=data) return r.text def verify_ALIAS(domain): if zone == "": get_zone() data = { "action": "getRecords", "zone": zone, "name": domain+"."+city_domain, "type": "ALIAS", "content": "" } url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+REG_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } r =, headers=headers, json=data) r = r.json() if 'data' in r: return data = { "action": "addRecord", "zone": zone, "type": "A", "name": domain, "content": server_ip, } r =, headers=headers, json=data) data = { "action": "addRecord", "zone": zone, "type": "TLSA", "name": "_443._tcp."+domain+"."+city_domain, "content": TLSA, } r =, headers=headers, json=data) return r.text