Nathan Woodburn 8fdb777ba4
All checks were successful
Build Docker / Build Docker (push) Successful in 27s
feat: Add initial notifications
2023-12-11 20:53:26 +11:00

338 lines
11 KiB

import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error
import dotenv
import os
import json
import time
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
import requests
import re
import account
db_config = {
'host': os.getenv('DB_HOST'),
'database': os.getenv('DB_NAME'),
'user': os.getenv('DB_USER'),
'password': os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD')
def addDomain(userID:int, domain:str):
# Get user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT domains FROM users WHERE id = %s", (userID,))
user = cursor.fetchall()
# Read json domains from first user
user = user[0][0]
userDomains = json.loads(user)
# Check if domain is already in use
for userDomain in userDomains:
if (userDomain['name'] == domain):
return False
# Add domain to user
"name": domain,
"status": "pending"
# Update user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET domains = %s WHERE id = %s", (json.dumps(userDomains), userID))
return True
def verifyDomain(domain:str):
# Remove any trailing slashes
domain = domain.rstrip('/')
# Remove any protocol
domain = domain.replace('https://', '')
domain = domain.replace('http://', '')
domain = domain.lower()
# Verify domain contains only valid characters
if (re.match("^[a-z0-9.-]*$", domain) == None):
return False
return domain
def deleteDomain(userID:int, domain:str):
# Get user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT domains FROM users WHERE id = %s", (userID,))
user = cursor.fetchall()
# Read json domains from first user
user = user[0][0]
userDomains = json.loads(user)
# Check if domain is already in use
for userDomain in userDomains:
if (userDomain['name'] == domain):
# Update user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET domains = %s WHERE id = %s", (json.dumps(userDomains), userID))
return True
def syncDomains():
# Verify connection to HSD node
r = requests.get('http://x:' + os.getenv('HSD_API_KEY') + '@' + os.getenv('HSD_IP')
+ ':' + os.getenv('HSD_PORT'))
if (r.status_code != 200):
return "HSD node is not responding"
# Check to make sure the node is synced
data = r.json()
if (data['chain']['progress'] < 0.999):
return "HSD node is not synced"
return False
# Get all users
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT id, domains FROM users")
users = cursor.fetchall()
# Loop through users
for user in users:
userID = user[0]
userDomains = json.loads(user[1])
# Loop through user domains
for userDomain in userDomains:
customNotifications = False
if 'notifications' in userDomain:
customNotifications = userDomain['notifications']
# Check if domain is pending
if (userDomain['status'] == 'pending'):
r ='http://x:' + os.getenv('HSD_API_KEY') + '@' + os.getenv('HSD_IP')
+ ':' + os.getenv('HSD_WALLET_PORT'), json={'method': 'importname', 'params': [userDomain['name']]})
if (r.status_code == 200):
# Update domain status
userDomain['status'] = 'added'
# Set some defaults
userDomain['transfering'] = 0
userDomain['next'] = 'none'
userDomain['when'] = 0
userDomain['records'] = ''
# Update user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET domains = %s WHERE id = %s", (json.dumps(userDomains), userID))
# Get domain info
r ='http://x:' + os.getenv('HSD_API_KEY') + '@' + os.getenv('HSD_IP')
+ ':' + os.getenv('HSD_PORT'), json={'method': 'getnameinfo', 'params': [userDomain['name']]})
if (r.status_code == 200):
data = r.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
# Check if domain is registered
info = data['result']['info']
if (userDomain['transfering'] != info['transfer']):
# Update domain status
if (notify('transfer', customNotifications, userID)):
alert('transfer', userDomain['name'], userID)
userDomain['transfering'] = info['transfer']
if (userDomain['records'] != info['data'] and userDomain['records'] != ''):
# Update domain status
if (notify('dns', customNotifications, userID)):
alert('dns', userDomain['name'], userID)
userDomain['records'] = info['data']
if 'stats' in info:
if 'blocksUntilExpire' in info['stats']:
# Update domain status
userDomain['next'] = 'expires'
previous = userDomain['when']
userDomain['when'] = info['stats']['blocksUntilExpire']
if (crossTimeAlert(previous, userDomain['when']) or True):
if (notify('expire', customNotifications, userID,
crossTimeAlert(previous, userDomain['when']))):
alert('expire', userDomain['name'], userID, crossTimeAlert(previous, userDomain['when']))
elif 'blocksUntilBidding' in info['stats']:
# Update domain status
userDomain['next'] = 'opens for bidding'
userDomain['when'] = info['stats']['blocksUntilBidding']
# Update user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET domains = %s WHERE id = %s", (json.dumps(userDomains), userID))
return "Failed to get info about domain: " + userDomain['name'] + "<br>" + str(r.text)
return "Finished syncing domains"
def alert(event,domain,userID, time=False):
notification_name = {
'transfer': 'transfer_notifications',
'dns': 'edit_notifications'
# Get user
user = account.getUserFromID(userID)
# Check if domain has custom notifications
customNotifications = False
for domainInfo in user['domains']:
if (domainInfo['name'] == domain):
if 'notifications' in domainInfo:
customNotifications = domainInfo['notifications']
if (customNotifications):
# Send custom notification
if (event != 'expire'):
send(customNotifications[notification_name[event]], domain, event,userID)
elif (time == 'month'):
send(customNotifications['expiry_month'], domain, event,userID)
elif (time == 'week'):
send(customNotifications['expiry_week'], domain, event,userID)
if (event != 'expire'):
send(user['notifications'][notification_name[event]], domain, event,userID)
elif (time == 'month'):
send(user['notifications']['expiry_month'], domain, event,userID)
elif (time == 'week'):
send(user['notifications']['expiry_week'], domain, event,userID)
def send(providers,domain:str,event,userID):
user = account.getUserFromID(userID)
title = {
'transfer': 'Transfer Alert for {domain}',
'dns': '{domain} has had a DNS update',
'expire': '{domain} will expire soon'
content = {
'transfer': 'The domain {domain} has started a transfer to a new wallet',
'dns': 'The domain {domain} has had a DNS update',
'expire': '{domain} will expire in {time}'
title = title[event].replace('{domain}',domain.capitalize()+'/')
content = content[event].replace('{domain}',domain.capitalize()+'/')
if (event == 'expire'):
domainInfo = getCachedDomainInfo(domain)
content = content.replace('{time}',blocksToTime(domainInfo['when']))
if (providers['email']):
if (providers['discord']):
if ('discord' in user['notifications']):
def notify(event, customNotifications, userID, time=False):
# TODO this will check if the user has notifications enabled for the event
# This should make the sync a bit faster but it's not a huge deal
if (event == 'transfer'):
return True
if (event == 'dns'):
return True
if (event == 'expire'):
return True
return True
def crossTimeAlert(was, now):
# Check for each of these times to see if we should alert
month = 4320
week = 1008
# If the time crossed the month mark
if (was > month and now <= month):
return "month"
# If the time crossed the week mark
if (was > week and now <= week):
return "week"
return False
def getCachedDomainInfo(domain):
# Get domain info from user domains
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT domains FROM users")
users = cursor.fetchall()
# Loop through users
for user in users:
userDomains = json.loads(user[0])
# Loop through user domains
for userDomain in userDomains:
if (userDomain['name'] == domain):
return userDomain
return False
def blocksToTime(blocks):
# Get minutes
minutes = blocks * 10
years, minutes = divmod(minutes, 525600)
days, minutes = divmod(minutes, 1440)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
# Build the string
time_string = ""
if years:
time_string += f"{years} {'year' if years == 1 else 'years'}, "
if days:
time_string += f"{days} {'day' if days == 1 else 'days'}, "
if hours and not years:
time_string += f"{hours} {'hour' if hours == 1 else 'hours'}, "
if minutes and not years and not days:
time_string += f"{minutes} {'min' if minutes == 1 else 'mins'}"
return time_string.rstrip(', ')