
396 lines
14 KiB
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2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
from flask import Flask, make_response, redirect, request, jsonify, render_template, send_from_directory
import dotenv
import os
import requests
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error
import sys
import time
import json
import account
import threading
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
import domains
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
app = Flask(__name__)
db_config = {
'host': os.getenv('DB_HOST'),
'database': os.getenv('DB_NAME'),
'user': os.getenv('DB_USER'),
'password': os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD')
service_prompts = {
"discord": "",
"telegram": "Telegram User ID",
"email": ""
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
def login():
# Check if user is already logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
return redirect('/dashboard')
return render_template('login.html')
@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login_post():
email = request.form.get('email')
password = request.form.get('password')
# Check if user is already logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
return redirect('/dashboard')
# Check if user exists
token = account.login(email, password)
if (token):
resp = make_response(redirect('/dashboard'))
resp.set_cookie('user_token', token)
return resp
return render_template('login.html', error='Invalid email or password')
def signup():
# Check if user is already logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
return redirect('/dashboard')
return render_template('signup.html')
@app.route('/signup', methods=['POST'])
def signup_post():
email = request.form.get('email')
password = request.form.get('password')
# Check if user is already logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
return redirect('/dashboard')
# Create user
if (account.createUser(email, password)):
resp = make_response(redirect('/dashboard'))
resp.set_cookie('user_token', account.login(email, password))
return resp
return render_template('signup.html', error='Invalid email or password')
def logout():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
resp = make_response(redirect('/'))
resp.set_cookie('user_token', '', expires=0)
return resp
return redirect('/')
def dashboard():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
error = ""
if (request.args.get('error')):
error = request.args.get('error')
success = ""
if (request.args.get('success')):
success = request.args.get('success')
# For each domain in domains get only the name
domains = []
for domain in user['domains']:
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
notifications = user['notifications']
email = user['email'] + ' <a href="/test?service=email">Test</a>'
if ('discord' in user['notifications']):
discord = 'Linked (<a href="/link?service=discord">Change</a>) <a href="/test?service=discord">Test</a>'
discord = "<a href='/link?service=discord'>Connect Discord</a>"
if ('telegram' in user['notifications']):
telegram = user['notifications']['telegram'] + ' (<a href="/link?service=telegram">Change</a>) <a href="/test?service=telegram">Test</a>'
# telegram = "<a href='/link?service=telegram'>Connect Telegram</a>"
telegram = "coming soon"
expiry_week = {
"email": True,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
if ('expiry_week' in user['notifications']):
expiry_week = user['notifications']['expiry_week']
expiry_month = {
"email": True,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
if ('expiry_month' in user['notifications']):
expiry_month = user['notifications']['expiry_month']
return render_template('dashboard.html', domains=domains, notifications=notifications,
email=email, discord=discord, telegram=telegram,
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
return redirect('/login')
def link_service():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
service = request.args.get('service')
service_prompt = service_prompts[service]
if (service in user['notifications']):
return render_template('link.html', service=service, account=user['notifications'][service],
return render_template('link.html', service=service)
return redirect('/login')
@app.route('/link', methods=['POST'])
def link_service_post():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
service = request.args.get('service')
account.updateNotificationProvider(request.cookies.get('user_token'), service, request.form.get('account'))
return redirect('/dashboard')
return redirect('/login')
def test_service():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
service = request.args.get('service')
if (service in user['notifications']):
notification_thread = threading.Thread(target=account.sendNotification, args=(service, user['notifications'][service], 'Test Notification','Test notification from HNS Alert'))
elif (service == 'email'):
notification_thread = threading.Thread(target=account.sendNotification, args=(service, user['email'], 'Test Notification','Test notification from HNS Alert'))
return redirect('/dashboard')
@app.route('/notification-options', methods=['POST'])
def notification_options():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
expiry_week = {
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
"email": False,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
expiry_month = {
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
"email": False,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
if not request.form.get('domain'):
notifications = user['notifications']
for key in request.form:
if (key.endswith('_week')):
key = key[:-5]
expiry_week[key] = True
elif (key.endswith('_month')):
key = key[:-6]
expiry_month[key] = True
notifications['expiry_week'] = expiry_week
notifications['expiry_month'] = expiry_month
account.updateNotifications(request.cookies.get('user_token'), notifications)
return redirect('/dashboard')
notifications = {
"expiry_week": {
"email": False,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
"expiry_month": {
"email": False,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
domainList = user['domains']
domain = request.form.get('domain').lower()
for key in request.form:
if (key.endswith('_week')):
key = key[:-5]
notifications['expiry_week'][key] = True
elif (key.endswith('_month')):
key = key[:-6]
notifications['expiry_month'][key] = True
return redirect('/' + domain + '/info')
#region domains
@app.route('/new-domain', methods=['POST'])
def new_domain():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
domain = request.form.get('domain')
# Verify domain
domain = domains.verifyDomain(domain)
if (domain):
# Add domain to user
if (domains.addDomain(user['id'], domain)):
return redirect('/dashboard?success=Domain added')
return redirect('/dashboard?error=Unable to add domain')
return redirect('/dashboard?error=Invalid domain')
return redirect('/login')
def delete_domain(domain):
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
# Delete domain from user
if (domains.deleteDomain(user['id'], domain)):
return redirect('/dashboard?success=Domain deleted')
return redirect('/dashboard?error=Unable to delete domain')
return redirect('/login')
def sync_domains():
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get user data
user = account.getUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))
if (user['admin'] == False):
return redirect('/dashboard?error=You are not an admin')
# Sync domains
result =domains.syncDomains()
return redirect('/dashboard?error=' + result)
return redirect('/login')
def domain(domain):
# Check if user is logged in
if 'user_token' in request.cookies:
if (account.verifyUser(request.cookies.get('user_token'))):
# Get domain info
domainInfo = domains.getCachedDomainInfo(domain)
if (domainInfo):
if (domainInfo['status'] == 'pending'):
return redirect('/dashboard?error=Domain is pending<br>Please wait a few minutes')
next = domainInfo['next']
when_blocks = domainInfo['when']
when_time = domains.blocksToTime(when_blocks)
transfering = domainInfo['transfering'] == 1
expiry_week = {
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
"email": False,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
expiry_month = {
"email": False,
"discord": False,
"telegram": False
if ('notifications' in domainInfo):
if ('expiry_week' in domainInfo['notifications']):
expiry_week = domainInfo['notifications']['expiry_week']
if ('expiry_month' in domainInfo['notifications']):
expiry_month = domainInfo['notifications']['expiry_month']
return render_template('info.html', domain=str(domain).capitalize(),
return render_template('info.html', domain=str(domain).capitalize())
return redirect('/login')
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
2023-12-11 18:00:58 +11:00
2023-12-11 15:28:20 +11:00
def send_assets(path):
return send_from_directory('templates/assets', path)
# region Application
def db_init():
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, email VARCHAR(255), password VARCHAR(255), admin BOOLEAN, notifications JSON, user_token JSON, domains JSON, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)")
print('Database initialized', flush=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
db_init()'', port=5000, debug=True)
# endregion