#!/bin/bash # Get Node IPs RESOLVED_IPS=$(dig +short hnsdoh.com) NODE_IPS=($RESOLVED_IPS) if [ ${#NODE_IPS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "No IP addresses resolved for hnsdoh.com. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Define the domain and host for kdig commands TLS_HOST="hnsdoh.com" DOH_URL="https://hnsdoh.com/dns-query" # Loop over each IP and run the kdig commands for NODE_IP in "${NODE_IPS[@]}" do echo "Running kdig commands for NODE_IP=$NODE_IP" # Run the kdig commands kdig +tls +tls-host=$TLS_HOST @$NODE_IP 1.wdbrn TXT +short kdig +tls-ca +https=@$DOH_URL @$NODE_IP 2.wdbrn TXT +short kdig @$NODE_IP 3.wdbrn TXT +short echo "Completed kdig commands for NODE_IP=$NODE_IP" echo "--------------------------------------------" done