Welcome to HNS DoH, your gateway to Handshake domains.

Introducing our cutting-edge DNS over HTTPS (DoH) service, a revolutionary approach to secure and efficient internet communication. In a digital landscape where privacy and reliability are paramount, our service stands out by integrating multiple upstream providers, guaranteeing high availability.
By strategically harnessing the strengths of diverse DNS providers, we ensure that your online activities remain both private and swift. Say hello to a new era of accessing Handshake domains.


Project Information

Open Source

This DoH load balancing system is open source.
You can check the code or run your own

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Community run 

To ensure high availability, HNSDoH is run by the community around the globe.
Do you have some spare compute resources?

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DNS Load Balanced

First the user randomly selects a Load balancing node from a list of available IP addresses for

Software Balanced

Once the user has selected a load balancing node, that node will forward the request to one of the upstream DNS providers.

High reliability

The load balancing nodes keep a track of any upstream DNS failures. They will then direct any new users to one of the working dns providers

Load balancing nodes

Here is a list of the community run nodes for HNS DoH



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Upstream DNS Providers

Provider DNS over HTTPS DNS over TLS Standard DNS HIP05
Nathan.Woodburn/ Yes Yes Yes Yes
HNS DNS Yes No Yes Yes
Yes No No Yes
Impervious Yes Yes No Yes