# HIP2-server ## Derive new receive address from xpub with every request ### Configuration #### Get your wallet account's XPUB It's reccomended to create a new wallet for your HIP2 server. https://hsd-dev.org/api-docs/#get-account-information ##### hsd `hsw-cli --id= account get default | jq -r .accountKey` ##### Bob Wallet - Get your API key from Settings > Wallet then use hs-client: `hsw-cli --id= --api-key= account get default | jq -r .accountKey` ##### Paste the xpub by itself into the file in this repo: `conf/xpub` ### Installation & Execution This package has been pre-built from hsd modules and requires no additional packages or C compiler, etc. Just run the build with a port number ``` git clone https://github.com/pinheadmz/hip2-server cd hip2-server node hip2-server/build/hip2-server.js 8080 ``` Check: ``` --> curl hs1q9f5d5jzhqynzamca4g8arm8qv8s9sc9lly7h7d --> curl hs1q7z7w94kwja70qfwav0vxzfff0mk653jrllcq7y --> curl hs1q22rl34g6s8f2druz2v7wvrlq39g8d0satydzz7 ``` HIP2-server will track the number of requests in the file `log/hip2-index`. This value may be needed to fully recover all payments made to your account since many users may make requests without sending payments. ### NGINX If you are using nginx as your webserver, you can configure one or even many domains to use the same HIP2 server, and even redirect to a hard-coded flat file (with single HNS address) in case the HIP2 server crashes! In this example, port `60000` is the nodeJS webserver actually running the `proofofconcept` website, which has a [hard-coded HIP2 address](https://github.com/pinheadmz/proofofconcept/blob/master/html/.well-known/wallets/HNS). By using the `proxy_pass` and `error_page` directives in the nginx configuration, the HIP2 address will by default come from HIP2-server but fall back to the flat file in case of failure. ``` server { server_name *.proofofconcept proofofconcept; listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; ssl_certificate /root/ssl/proofofconcept/cert.crt; ssl_certificate_key /root/ssl/proofofconcept/cert.key; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:60000; proxy_set_header Host $host; } location @main { proxy_pass http://localhost:60000; proxy_set_header Host $host; } location /.well-known/wallets/HNS { proxy_pass http://localhost:20000; error_page 500 502 @main; } } ``` ### Build from source Don't trust my build? fine. Requires C compiler and whatever else `hsd` wants. ``` git clone https://github.com/pinheadmz/hip2-server cd hip2-server npm install npm run build ``` ### Wallet recovery and pitfalls The default `lookahead` value in hsd is 200. That means that if at least one out of every 200 HIP2 address requests results in an on-chain transaction, the original wallet (or new wallet rescanning from the original seed) will recover all payments. Users should monitor the value saved to `log/hip2-index` and if it gets too large you may need to manually generate addresses in the recovery wallet before rescanning. After the hip2-server serves `0x7fffffff` addresses, it will start over at index `0` and recycle. The `log/hip2-index` file will continue to increment, so users should also take action if they see the value in that file exceed `2147483647`. ### Docker (experimental) ``` sudo docker build -t hip2-server . sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -v ~/Downloads/xpub:/app/conf/xpub hip2-server ```