import io import json import random from flask import Flask, make_response, redirect, request, jsonify, render_template, send_from_directory,send_file import os import dotenv import requests import account as account_module import render import re from flask_qrcode import QRcode import domainLookup import urllib.parse import importlib import plugin as plugins_module import gitinfo import datetime dotenv.load_dotenv() app = Flask(__name__) qrcode = QRcode(app) # Change this if network fees change fees = 0.02 revokeCheck = random.randint(100000,999999) THEME = os.getenv("THEME") @app.route('/') def index(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") plugins = "" dashFunctions = plugins_module.getDashboardFunctions() for function in dashFunctions: functionOutput = plugins_module.runPluginFunction(function["plugin"],function["function"],{},request.cookies.get("account")) plugins += render.plugin_output_dash(functionOutput,plugins_module.getPluginFunctionReturns(function["plugin"],function["function"])) # Check for updates if not os.path.exists(".git"): return render_template("index.html", account=account, plugins=plugins) info = gitinfo.get_git_info() branch = info['refs'] commit = info['commit'] if commit != latestVersion(branch): print("New version available",flush=True) plugins += render_template('components/dashboard-plugin.html', name='Update', output='New version available') return render_template("index.html", account=account, plugins=plugins) def reverseDirection(direction: str): if direction == "⬆": return "⬇" else: return "⬆" #region Transactions @app.route('/tx') def transactions(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) # Get the transactions page = request.args.get('page') try: page = int(page) except: page = 1 if page < 1: page = 1 transactions = account_module.getTransactions(account,page) txCount = len(transactions) transactions = render.transactions(transactions) return render_template("tx.html", account=account, tx=transactions, page=page,txCount=txCount) @app.route('/send') def send_page(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) max = account_module.getBalance(account)['available'] # Subtract approx fee max = max - fees max = round(max, 2) message = '' address = '' amount = '' if 'message' in request.args: message = request.args.get("message") if 'address' in request.args: address = request.args.get("address") if 'amount' in request.args: amount = request.args.get("amount") return render_template("send.html", account=account, max=max,message=message,address=address,amount=amount) @app.route('/send', methods=["POST"]) def send(): if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") # Get the address and amount address = request.form.get("address") amount = request.form.get("amount") if address is None or amount is None: return redirect("/send?message=Invalid address or amount&address=" + address + "&amount=" + amount) address_check = account_module.check_address(address.strip(),True,True) if not address_check: return redirect("/send?message=Invalid address&address=" + address + "&amount=" + amount) address = address_check # Check if the amount is valid if re.match(r"^\d+(\.\d+)?$", amount) is None: return redirect("/send?message=Invalid amount&address=" + address + "&amount=" + amount) # Check if the amount is valid amount = float(amount) if amount <= 0: return redirect("/send?message=Invalid amount&address=" + address + "&amount=" + str(amount)) if amount > account_module.getBalance(account)['available'] - fees: return redirect("/send?message=Not enough funds to transfer&address=" + address + "&amount=" + str(amount)) toAddress = address if request.form.get('address') != address: toAddress = request.form.get('address') + "
" + address action = f"Send HNS to {request.form.get('address')}" content = f"Are you sure you want to send {amount} HNS to {toAddress}

" content += f"This will cost {amount} HNS + mining fees and is not able to be undone." cancel = f"/send" confirm = f"/send/confirm?address={address}&amount={amount}" return render_template("confirm.html", account=account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")), action=action, content=content,cancel=cancel,confirm=confirm) @app.route('/send/confirm') def sendConfirmed(): address = request.args.get("address") amount = float(request.args.get("amount")) response = account_module.send(request.cookies.get("account"),address,amount) if 'error' in response: return redirect("/send?message=" + response['error'] + "&address=" + address + "&amount=" + str(amount)) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['tx']) @app.route('/receive') def receive(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") address = account_module.getAddress(account) return render_template("receive.html", account=account, address=address) @app.route('/success') def success(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") tx = request.args.get("tx") return render_template("success.html", account=account, tx=tx) @app.route('/checkaddress') def check_address(): address = request.args.get("address") if address is None: return jsonify({"result": "Invalid address"}) return jsonify({"result": account_module.check_address(address.strip())}) #endregion #region Domains @app.route('/auctions') def auctions(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") bids = account_module.getBids(account) domains = account_module.getDomains(account,False) # Sort sort = request.args.get("sort") if sort == None: sort = "time" sort = sort.lower() sort_price = "" sort_price_next = "⬇" sort_state = "" sort_state_next = "⬇" sort_domain = "" sort_domain_next = "⬇" sort_time = "" sort_time_next = "⬇" reverse = False direction = request.args.get("direction") if direction == None: if sort == "time": direction = "⬆" else: direction = "⬇" if direction == "⬆": reverse = True sortbyDomain = False if sort == "price": # Sort by price bids = sorted(bids, key=lambda k: k['value'],reverse=reverse) sort_price = direction sort_price_next = reverseDirection(direction) elif sort == "state": sort_state = direction sort_state_next = reverseDirection(direction) domains = sorted(domains, key=lambda k: k['state'],reverse=reverse) sortbyDomain = True elif sort == "time": sort_time = direction sort_time_next = reverseDirection(direction) # If older HSD version sort by domain height if bids[0]['height'] == 0: domains = sorted(domains, key=lambda k: k['height'],reverse=reverse) sortbyDomain = True else: bids = sorted(bids, key=lambda k: k['height'],reverse=reverse) else: # Sort by domain bids = sorted(bids, key=lambda k: k['name'],reverse=reverse) sort_domain = direction sort_domain_next = reverseDirection(direction) bidsHtml = render.bidDomains(bids,domains,sortbyDomain) plugins = "" message = '' if 'message' in request.args: message = request.args.get("message") return render_template("auctions.html", account=account, domains=bidsHtml, domainsMobile=bidsHtml, plugins=plugins, domain_count=bidsHtml,sort_price=sort_price, sort_state=sort_state,sort_domain=sort_domain, sort_price_next=sort_price_next, sort_state_next=sort_state_next,sort_domain_next=sort_domain_next, bids=len(bids),message=message, sort_time=sort_time,sort_time_next=sort_time_next) #region All Auctions @app.route('/reveal') @app.route('/all/reveal') def revealAllBids(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") response = account_module.revealAll(request.cookies.get("account")) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: if response['error']['message'] == "Nothing to do.": return redirect("/auctions?message=No reveals pending") return redirect("/auctions?message=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['result']['hash']) @app.route('/all/redeem') def redeemAllBids(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") response = account_module.redeemAll(request.cookies.get("account")) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: if response['error']['message'] == "Nothing to do.": return redirect("/auctions?message=No redeems pending") return redirect("/auctions?message=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['result']['hash']) @app.route('/all/register') def registerAllDomains(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") response = account_module.registerAll(request.cookies.get("account")) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: if response['error']['message'] == "Nothing to do.": return redirect("/auctions?message=No domains to register") return redirect("/auctions?message=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/all/finalize') def finalizeAllBids(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") response = account_module.finalizeAll(request.cookies.get("account")) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: if response['error']['message'] == "Nothing to do.": return redirect("/dashboard?message=No domains to finalize") return redirect("/dashboard?message=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) #endregion @app.route('/search') def search(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") search_term = request.args.get("q") search_term = search_term.lower().strip() # Replace spaces with hyphens search_term = search_term.replace(" ","-") # Convert emoji to punycode search_term = domainLookup.emoji_to_punycode(search_term) if len(search_term) == 0: return redirect("/") domain = account_module.getDomain(search_term) plugins = "
" # Execute domain plugins searchFunctions = plugins_module.getSearchFunctions() for function in searchFunctions: functionOutput = plugins_module.runPluginFunction(function["plugin"],function["function"],{"domain":search_term},account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account"))) plugins += render.plugin_output(functionOutput,plugins_module.getPluginFunctionReturns(function["plugin"],function["function"])) plugins += "
" if 'error' in domain: return render_template("search.html", account=account, search_term=search_term, domain=domain['error'],plugins=plugins) if domain['info'] is None: return render_template("search.html", account=account, search_term=search_term,domain=search_term, state="AVAILABLE", next="Available Now",plugins=plugins) state = domain['info']['state'] if state == 'CLOSED': if domain['info']['registered']: state = 'REGISTERED' expires = domain['info']['stats']['daysUntilExpire'] next = f"Expires in ~{expires} days" else: state = 'AVAILABLE' next = "Available Now" elif state == "REVOKED": next = "Available Now" elif state == 'OPENING': next = "Bidding opens in ~" + str(domain['info']['stats']['blocksUntilBidding']) + " blocks" elif state == 'BIDDING': next = "Reveal in ~" + str(domain['info']['stats']['blocksUntilReveal']) + " blocks" elif state == 'REVEAL': next = "Reveal ends in ~" + str(domain['info']['stats']['blocksUntilClose']) + " blocks" domain_info = domainLookup.niami_info(search_term) owner = 'Unknown' dns = [] txs = [] if domain_info: owner = domain_info['owner'] dns = domain_info['dns'] txs = domain_info['txs'] own_domains = account_module.getDomains(account) own_domains = [x['name'] for x in own_domains] own_domains = [x.lower() for x in own_domains] if search_term in own_domains: owner = "You" dns = render.dns(dns) txs = render.txs(txs) return render_template("search.html", account=account, search_term=search_term,domain=domain['info']['name'], raw=domain,state=state, next=next, owner=owner, dns=dns, txs=txs,plugins=plugins) @app.route('/manage/') def manage(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() own_domains = account_module.getDomains(account) own_domains = [x['name'] for x in own_domains] own_domains = [x.lower() for x in own_domains] if domain not in own_domains: return redirect("/search?q=" + domain) domain_info = account_module.getDomain(domain) if 'error' in domain_info: return render_template("manage.html", account=account, domain=domain, error=domain_info['error']) expiry = domain_info['info']['stats']['daysUntilExpire'] dns = account_module.getDNS(domain) raw_dns = str(dns).replace("'",'"') dns = render.dns(dns) errorMessage = request.args.get("error") if errorMessage == None: errorMessage = "" address = request.args.get("address") if address == None: address = "" finalize_time = "" # Check if the domain is in transfer if domain_info['info']['transfer'] != 0: current_block = account_module.getBlockHeight() finalize_valid = domain_info['info']['transfer']+288 finalize_blocks = finalize_valid - current_block if finalize_blocks > 0: finalize_time = "in "+ str(finalize_blocks) + " blocks (~" + str(round(finalize_blocks/6)) + " hours)" else: finalize_time = "now" plugins = "
" # Execute domain plugins domainFunctions = plugins_module.getDomainFunctions() for function in domainFunctions: functionOutput = plugins_module.runPluginFunction(function["plugin"],function["function"],{"domain":domain},account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account"))) plugins += render.plugin_output(functionOutput,plugins_module.getPluginFunctionReturns(function["plugin"],function["function"])) plugins += "
" return render_template("manage.html", account=account, error=errorMessage, address=address, domain=domain,expiry=expiry, dns=dns, raw_dns=urllib.parse.quote(raw_dns), finalize_time=finalize_time,plugins=plugins) @app.route('/manage//finalize') def finalize(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() print(domain) response = account_module.finalize(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) if response['error'] != None: print(response) return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['result']['hash']) @app.route('/manage//cancel') def cancelTransfer(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() print(domain) response = account_module.cancelTransfer(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: print(response) return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['result']['hash']) @app.route('/manage//revoke') def revokeInit(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() content = f"Are you sure you want to revoke {domain}/?
" content += f"This will return the domain to the auction pool and you will lose any funds spent on the domain.
" content += f"This cannot be undone after the transaction is sent.

" content += f"Please enter your password to confirm." cancel = f"/manage/{domain}" confirm = f"/manage/{domain}/revoke/confirm" action = f"Revoke {domain}/" return render_template("confirm-password.html", account=account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")), action=action, content=content,cancel=cancel,confirm=confirm,check=revokeCheck) @app.route('/manage//revoke/confirm', methods=["POST"]) def revokeConfirm(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() password = request.form.get("password") check = request.form.get("check") if check != str(revokeCheck): return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=An error occurred. Please try again.") response = account_module.check_password(request.cookies.get("account"),password) if response == False: return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=Invalid password") response = account_module.revoke(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: print(response) return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/manage//renew') def renew(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() response = account_module.renewDomain(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/manage//edit') def editPage(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() own_domains = account_module.getDomains(account) own_domains = [x['name'] for x in own_domains] own_domains = [x.lower() for x in own_domains] if domain not in own_domains: return redirect("/search?q=" + domain) user_edits = request.args.get("dns") if user_edits != None: dns = urllib.parse.unquote(user_edits) else: dns = account_module.getDNS(domain) dns = json.loads(dns) # Check if new records have been added dnsType = request.args.get("type") dnsValue = request.args.get("value") if dnsType != None and dnsValue != None: if dnsType != "DS": dns.append({"type": dnsType, "value": dnsValue}) else: # Verify the DS record ds = dnsValue.split(" ") if len(ds) != 4: raw_dns = str(dns).replace("'",'"') return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "/edit?dns=" + urllib.parse.quote(str(raw_dns)) + "&error=Invalid DS record") try: ds[0] = int(ds[0]) ds[1] = int(ds[1]) ds[2] = int(ds[2]) except: raw_dns = str(dns).replace("'",'"') return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "/edit?dns=" + urllib.parse.quote(str(raw_dns)) + "&error=Invalid DS record") finally: dns.append({"type": dnsType, "keyTag": ds[0], "algorithm": ds[1], "digestType": ds[2], "digest": ds[3]}) dns = json.dumps(dns).replace("'",'"') return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "/edit?dns=" + urllib.parse.quote(dns)) raw_dns = str(dns).replace("'",'"') dns = render.dns(dns,True) errorMessage = request.args.get("error") if errorMessage == None: errorMessage = "" return render_template("edit.html", account=account, domain=domain, error=errorMessage, dns=dns,raw_dns=urllib.parse.quote(raw_dns)) @app.route('/manage//edit/save') def editSave(domain: str): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() dns = request.args.get("dns") raw_dns = dns dns = urllib.parse.unquote(dns) response = account_module.setDNS(request.cookies.get("account"),domain,dns) if 'error' in response: print(response) return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "/edit?dns="+raw_dns+"&error=" + str(response['error'])) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/manage//transfer') def transfer(domain): if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") # Get the address and amount address = request.args.get("address") if address is None: return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=Invalid address") address_check = account_module.check_address(address,True,True) if not address_check: return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=Invalid address") address = address_check toAddress = address if request.form.get('address') != address: toAddress = request.args.get('address') + "
" + address action = f"Send {domain}/ to {request.form.get('address')}" content = f"Are you sure you want to send {domain}/ to {toAddress}

" content += f"This requires sending a finalize transaction 2 days after the transfer is initiated." cancel = f"/manage/{domain}?address={address}" confirm = f"/manage/{domain}/transfer/confirm?address={address}" return render_template("confirm.html", account=account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")), action=action, content=content,cancel=cancel,confirm=confirm) @app.route('/manage//sign') def signMessage(domain): if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") # Get the address and amount message = request.args.get("message") if message is None: return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=Invalid message") content = "Message to sign:
" + message + "

" signedMessage = account_module.signMessage(request.cookies.get("account"),domain,message) if signedMessage["error"] != None: return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=" + signedMessage["error"]) content += "Signature:
" + signedMessage["result"] + "

" data = { "domain": domain, "message": message, "signature": signedMessage["result"] } content += "Full information:
" + json.dumps(data,indent=4).replace('\n',"
") + "

" content += "" copyScript = "" content += "" + copyScript return render_template("message.html", account=account, title="Sign Message",content=content) @app.route('/manage//transfer/confirm') def transferConfirm(domain): if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") # Get the address and amount address = request.args.get("address") response = account_module.transfer(request.cookies.get("account"),domain,address) if 'error' in response: return redirect("/manage/" + domain + "?error=" + response['error']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/auction/') def auction(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") search_term = domain.lower().strip() # Convert emoji to punycode search_term = domainLookup.emoji_to_punycode(search_term) if len(search_term) == 0: return redirect("/") domainInfo = account_module.getDomain(search_term) error = request.args.get("error") if error == None: error = "" if 'error' in domainInfo: return render_template("auction.html", account=account, search_term=search_term, domain=domainInfo['error'], error=error) if domainInfo['info'] is None: if 'registered' in domainInfo and domainInfo['registered'] == False and 'expired' in domainInfo and domainInfo['expired'] == False: # Needs to be registered next_action = f'ERROR GETTING NEXT STATE' else: next_action = f'Open Auction' return render_template("auction.html", account=account, search_term=search_term,domain=search_term,next_action=next_action, state="AVAILABLE", next="Open Auction", error=error) state = domainInfo['info']['state'] next_action = '' bids = account_module.getBids(account,search_term) if bids == []: bids = "No bids found" next_action = f'Rescan Auction' else: reveals = account_module.getReveals(account,search_term) for reveal in reveals: # Get TX revealInfo = account_module.getRevealTX(reveal) reveal['bid'] = revealInfo print(revealInfo) bids = render.bids(bids,reveals) if state == 'CLOSED': if not domainInfo['info']['registered']: if account_module.isOwnDomain(account,domain): print("Waiting to be registered") state = 'PENDING REGISTER' next = "Pending Register" next_action = f'Register Domain' else: print("Not registered") state = 'AVAILABLE' next = "Available Now" next_action = f'Open Auction' else: state = 'REGISTERED' expires = domainInfo['info']['stats']['daysUntilExpire'] next = f"Expires in ~{expires} days" own_domains = account_module.getDomains(account) own_domains = [x['name'] for x in own_domains] own_domains = [x.lower() for x in own_domains] if search_term in own_domains: next_action = f'Manage' elif state == "REVOKED": next = "Available Now" next_action = f'Open Auction' elif state == 'OPENING': next = "Bidding opens in ~" + str(domainInfo['info']['stats']['blocksUntilBidding']) + " blocks" elif state == 'BIDDING': next = "Reveal in ~" + str(domainInfo['info']['stats']['blocksUntilReveal']) + " blocks" elif state == 'REVEAL': next = "Reveal ends in ~" + str(domainInfo['info']['stats']['blocksUntilClose']) + " blocks" next_action = f'Reveal All' message = '' if 'message' in request.args: message = request.args.get("message") return render_template("auction.html", account=account, search_term=search_term,domain=domainInfo['info']['name'], raw=domainInfo,state=state, next=next, next_action=next_action, bids=bids,error=message) @app.route('/auction//scan') def rescan_auction(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() response = account_module.rescan_auction(account,domain) print(response) return redirect("/auction/" + domain) @app.route('/auction//bid') def bid(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() bid = request.args.get("bid") blind = request.args.get("blind") if bid == "": bid = 0 if blind == "": blind = 0 bid = float(bid) blind = float(blind) if bid+blind == 0: return redirect("/auction/" + domain+ "?error=Invalid bid amount") # Show confirm page total = bid + blind action = f"Bid on {domain}/" content = f"Are you sure you want to bid on {domain}/?" content += "You are about to bid with the following details:

" content += f"Bid: {str(bid)} HNS
" content += f"Blind: {str(blind)} HNS
" content += f"Total: {total} HNS (excluding fees)

" cancel = f"/auction/{domain}" confirm = f"/auction/{domain}/bid/confirm?bid={request.args.get('bid')}&blind={request.args.get('blind')}" return render_template("confirm.html", account=account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")), action=action, domain=domain,content=content,cancel=cancel,confirm=confirm) @app.route('/auction//bid/confirm') def bid_confirm(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() bid = request.args.get("bid") blind = request.args.get("blind") if bid == "": bid = 0 if blind == "": blind = 0 bid = float(bid) blind = float(blind) # Send the bid response ="account"),domain, float(bid), float(blind)) print(response) if 'error' in response: return redirect("/auction/" + domain + "?error=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/auction//open') def open_auction(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() response = account_module.openAuction(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) if 'error' in response: if response['error'] != None: return redirect("/auction/" + domain + "?error=" + response['error']['message']) print(response) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/auction//reveal') def reveal_auction(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() response = account_module(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) if 'error' in response: return redirect("/auction/" + domain + "?message=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) @app.route('/auction//register') def registerdomain(domain): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") if not account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")): return redirect("/logout") domain = domain.lower() response = account_module.register(request.cookies.get("account"),domain) if 'error' in response: return redirect("/auction/" + domain + "?message=" + response['error']['message']) return redirect("/success?tx=" + response['hash']) #endregion #region Settings @app.route('/settings') def settings(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") error = request.args.get("error") if error == None: error = "" success = request.args.get("success") if success == None: success = "" if not os.path.exists(".git"): return render_template("settings.html", account=account, hsd_version=account_module.hsdVersion(False), error=error,success=success,version="Error") info = gitinfo.get_git_info() branch = info['refs'] if branch != "main": branch = f"({branch})" else: branch = "" last_commit = info['author_date'] # import to time from format "2024-02-13 11:24:03" last_commit = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_commit, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") version = f'{last_commit.strftime("%y-%m-%d")} {branch}' if info['commit'] != latestVersion(branch): version += ' (New version available)' return render_template("settings.html", account=account, hsd_version=account_module.hsdVersion(False), error=error,success=success,version=version) @app.route('/settings/') def settings_action(action): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") if action == "rescan": resp = account_module.rescan() if 'error' in resp: return redirect("/settings?error=" + str(resp['error'])) return redirect("/settings?success=Rescan started") elif action == "resend": resp = account_module.resendTXs() if 'error' in resp: return redirect("/settings?error=" + str(resp['error'])) return redirect("/settings?success=Resent transactions") elif action == "zap": resp = account_module.zapTXs(request.cookies.get("account")) if 'error' in resp: return redirect("/settings?error=" + str(resp['error'])) return redirect("/settings?success=Zapped transactions") elif action == "xpub": xpub = account_module.getxPub(request.cookies.get("account")) content = "

" content += "" content += "" content += "" return render_template("message.html", account=account, title="xPub Key", content=""+xpub+"" + content) return redirect("/settings?error=Invalid action") @app.route('/settings/upload', methods=['POST']) def upload_image(): if not 'account' in request.cookies: return redirect("/login?message=Not logged in") account = request.cookies.get("account") if not os.path.exists('user_data/images'): os.mkdir('user_data/images') if 'image' not in request.files: return redirect("/settings?error=No file selected") file = request.files['image'] if file.filename == '': return redirect("/settings?error=No file selected") if file: filepath = os.path.join(f'user_data/images/{account.split(":")[0]}.{file.filename.split(".")[-1]}') return redirect("/settings?success=File uploaded successfully") def latestVersion(branch): result = requests.get(f"") if result.status_code != 200: return "Error" data = result.json() for b in data: if b['name'] == branch: return b['commit']['id'] return "Invalid branch" #endregion #region Account @app.route('/login') def login(): wallets = account_module.listWallets() wallets = render.wallets(wallets) if 'message' in request.args: return render_template("login.html", error=request.args.get("message"),wallets=wallets) return render_template("login.html", wallets=wallets) @app.route('/login', methods=["POST"]) def login_post(): # Get the account and password account = request.form.get("account") password = request.form.get("password") # Check if the account is valid if account.count(":") > 0: wallets = account_module.listWallets() wallets = render.wallets(wallets) return render_template("login.html", error="Invalid account",wallets=wallets) account = account + ":" + password # Check if the account is valid if not account_module.check_password(account,password): wallets = account_module.listWallets() wallets = render.wallets(wallets) return render_template("login.html", error="Invalid account or password",wallets=wallets) # Set the cookie response = make_response(redirect("/")) response.set_cookie("account", account) return response @app.route('/logout') def logout(): response = make_response(redirect("/login")) response.set_cookie("account", "", expires=0) return response @app.route('/register', methods=["POST"]) def register(): # Get the account and password account = request.form.get("name") password = request.form.get("password") repeatPassword = request.form.get("password_repeat") # Check if the passwords match if password != repeatPassword: return render_template("register.html", error="Passwords do not match", name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword) # Check if the account is valid if account.count(":") > 0: return render_template("register.html", error="Invalid account", name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword) # List wallets wallets = account_module.listWallets() if account in wallets: return render_template("register.html", error="Account already exists", name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword) # Create the account response = account_module.createWallet(account,password) if 'error' in response: return render_template("register.html", error=response['error'], name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword) # Set the cookie response = make_response(render_template("message.html", title="Account Created", content="Your account has been created. Here is your seed phrase. Please write it down and keep it safe as it will not be shown again

" + response['seed'])) response.set_cookie("account", account+":"+password) return response @app.route('/import-wallet', methods=["POST"]) def import_wallet(): # Get the account and password account = request.form.get("name") password = request.form.get("password") repeatPassword = request.form.get("password_repeat") seed = request.form.get("seed") # Check if the passwords match if password != repeatPassword: return render_template("import-wallet.html", error="Passwords do not match", name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword, seed=seed) # Check if the account is valid if account.count(":") > 0: return render_template("import-wallet.html", error="Invalid account", name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword, seed=seed) # List wallets wallets = account_module.listWallets() if account in wallets: return render_template("import-wallet.html", error="Account already exists", name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword, seed=seed) # Create the account response = account_module.importWallet(account,password,seed) if 'error' in response: return render_template("import-wallet.html", error=response['error'], name=account,password=password,password_repeat=repeatPassword, seed=seed) # Set the cookie response = make_response(redirect("/")) response.set_cookie("account", account+":"+password) return response @app.route('/report') def report(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) csv = '\n'.join(account_module.generateReport(account)) # Create a download response = make_response(csv) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=report.csv" response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/csv" return response #endregion #region Plugins @app.route('/plugins') def plugins_index(): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") plugins = render.plugins(plugins_module.listPlugins(True)) return render_template("plugins.html", account=account, plugins=plugins) @app.route('/plugin//') def plugin(ptype,plugin): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") plugin = f"{ptype}/{plugin}" if not plugins_module.pluginExists(plugin): print(f"Plugin {plugin} not found") return redirect("/plugins") data = plugins_module.getPluginData(plugin) functions = plugins_module.getPluginFunctions(plugin) functions = render.plugin_functions(functions,plugin) if data['verified'] == False: functions = "
" + functions error = request.args.get("error") if error == None: error = "" return render_template("plugin.html", account=account, name=data['name'],description=data['description'], author=data['author'],version=data['version'], source=data['source'],functions=functions,error=error) @app.route('/plugin///verify') def plugin_verify(ptype,plugin): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") plugin = f"{ptype}/{plugin}" if not plugins_module.pluginExists(plugin): return redirect("/plugins") data = plugins_module.getPluginData(plugin) if data['verified'] == False: plugins_module.verifyPlugin(plugin) return redirect("/plugin/" + plugin) @app.route('/plugin///', methods=["POST"]) def plugin_function(ptype,plugin,function): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return redirect("/login") account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return redirect("/logout") plugin = f"{ptype}/{plugin}" if not plugins_module.pluginExists(plugin): return redirect("/plugins") data = plugins_module.getPluginData(plugin) # Get plugin/ listfunctions() if function in plugins_module.getPluginFunctions(plugin): inputs = plugins_module.getPluginFunctionInputs(plugin,function) request_data = {} for input in inputs: request_data[input] = request.form.get(input) if inputs[input]['type'] == "address": # Handle hip2 address_check = account_module.check_address(request_data[input],True,True) if not address_check: return redirect("/plugin/" + plugin + "?error=Invalid address") request_data[input] = address_check elif inputs[input]['type'] == "dns": # Handle URL encoding of DNS request_data[input] = urllib.parse.unquote(request_data[input]) response = plugins_module.runPluginFunction(plugin,function,request_data,request.cookies.get("account")) if not response: return redirect("/plugin/" + plugin + "?error=An error occurred") if 'error' in response: return redirect("/plugin/" + plugin + "?error=" + response['error']) outputs = plugins_module.getPluginFunctionReturns(plugin,function) # Check outputs for output in outputs: if outputs[output]['type'] == "file": data = io.BytesIO(response[output].encode('utf-8')) return send_file(data, as_attachment=True, download_name=outputs[output]['name']) response = render.plugin_output(response,outputs) return render_template("plugin-output.html", account=account,name=data['name'], description=data['description'],output=response) else: return jsonify({"error": "Function not found"}) #endregion #region API Routes @app.route('/api/v1/hsd/', methods=["GET"]) def api_hsd(function): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return jsonify({"error": "Not logged in"}) account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) if not account: return jsonify({"error": "Invalid account"}) if function == "sync": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getNodeSync()}) if function == "version": return jsonify({"result": account_module.hsdVersion(False)}) if function == "height": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getBlockHeight()}) return jsonify({"error": "Invalid function", "result": "Invalid function"}), 400 @app.route('/api/v1/wallet/', methods=["GET"]) def api_wallet(function): # Check if the user is logged in if request.cookies.get("account") is None: return jsonify({"error": "Not logged in"}) account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) password = request.cookies.get("account").split(":")[1] if not account: return jsonify({"error": "Invalid account"}) if function == "sync": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getWalletStatus()}) if function == "available": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getBalance(account)['available']}) if function == "total": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getBalance(account)['total']}) if function == "pending": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getPendingTX(account)}) if function == "locked": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getBalance(account)['locked']}) if function == "domainCount": return jsonify({"result": len(account_module.getDomains(account))}) if function == "bidCount": return jsonify({"result": len(account_module.getBids(account))}) if function == "pendingReveal": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getPendingReveals(account)}) if function == "pendingRegister": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getPendingRegisters(account)}) if function == "pendingRedeem": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getPendingRedeems(account,password)}) if function == "pendingFinalize": return jsonify({"result": account_module.getPendingFinalizes(account,password)}) if function == "domains": domains = account_module.getDomains(account) if 'error' in domains: return jsonify({"result": [], "error": domains['error']}) return jsonify({"result": domains}) if function == "icon": # Check if there is an icon if not os.path.exists(f'user_data/images'): return send_file('templates/assets/img/HNS.png') files = os.listdir(f'user_data/images') for file in files: if file.startswith(account): return send_file(f'user_data/images/{file}') return send_file('templates/assets/img/HNS.png') return jsonify({"error": "Invalid function", "result": "Invalid function"}), 400 @app.route('/api/v1/icon/') def api_icon(account): if not os.path.exists(f'user_data/images'): return send_file('templates/assets/img/HNS.png') files = os.listdir(f'user_data/images') for file in files: if file.startswith(account): return send_file(f'user_data/images/{file}') return send_file('templates/assets/img/HNS.png') #endregion #region Assets and default pages @app.route('/qr/') def qr(data): return send_file(qrcode(data, mode="raw"), mimetype="image/png") # Theme @app.route('/assets/css/styles.min.css') def send_css(): if THEME == "live": return send_from_directory('templates/assets/css', 'styles.min.css') return send_from_directory('themes', f'{THEME}.css') @app.route('/assets/') def send_assets(path): return send_from_directory('templates/assets', path) # Try path @app.route('/') def try_path(path): # Check if node connected if not account_module.hsdConnected(): return redirect("/login?message=Node not connected") if os.path.isfile("templates/" + path + ".html"): return render_template(path + ".html") else: return page_not_found(404) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): account = account_module.check_account(request.cookies.get("account")) return render_template('404.html',account=account), 404 #endregion if __name__ == '__main__':,host='')