
Getting started

Make sure you have HSD or Bob Wallet installed

FireWallet doesn't include HSD so you need to run a separate HSD node (or use Bob's).

Make sure you have python installed

Check if you have python installed by opening a terminal and running
python3 --version
Make sure that you have Python 3.10 or above.
You can install python from here

Make sure you have git installed

Check if you have git installed by opening a terminal and running
git --version
It shouldn't matter what version you are using.
You can download it from here

Install FireWallet

Open a terminal in the folder you wish to have the FireWallet files stored (eg. Documents or Downloads). Note that installing will create a new folder called firewalletbrowser. Then run the following command to download FireWallet
git clone

Install the required components by running
cd firewalletbrowser
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring FireWallet

Copy the example.env file from where FireWallet installed to a new file called .env (in the same folder).

Now you can edit the .env file to set your configuration. You will need to set the HSD_API to the api key from HSD or Bob (in Settings > Network & Connection > Internal HSD Node > View API Key)

You shouldn't need to change the other settings unless you have a more complex setup (eg. using a remote node)

Start FireWallet

Open a terminal in the folder you have the FireWallet files stored (eg. Documents/firewalletbrowser or Downloads/firewalletbrowser).
Then run the following command to start FireWallet on Windows

On Linux/macOS you can run a more performant server with

Need Help?

Just ask Nathan.Woodburn/  in any Handshake chat or join the discord server.