const {program} = require('commander'); const pkg = require('../../package.json'); const {transferNameLock} = require('../swapService.js'); const {Context, promptPassphraseGetter} = require('../context.js'); const Table = require('cli-table3'); const {finalizeNameLock} = require('../swapService.js'); const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const fs = require('fs'); const {log, die} = require('./util.js'); const {postAuction} = require('../swapService.js'); const {staticPassphraseGetter} = require('../context.js'); const {SwapFinalize} = require('../swapFinalize.js'); const {SwapFill} = require('../swapFill.js'); const {NameLockCancelFinalize} = require('../nameLock.js'); const {finalizeNameLockCancel} = require('../swapService.js'); const {NameLockCancelTransfer} = require('../nameLock.js'); const {transferNameLockCancel} = require('../swapService.js'); const {linearReductionStrategy} = require('../auction.js'); const {AuctionFactory, Auction} = require('../auction.js'); const {NameLockTransfer, NameLockFinalize} = require('../nameLock.js'); const {createLevelStore, migrate} = require('../dataStore.js'); const {finalizeSwap} = require('../swapService.js'); const {fillSwap} = require('../swapService.js'); const {format} = require('date-fns'); const Network = require('hsd/lib/protocol/network.js'); const {NameLockExternalTransfer} = require('../nameLock.js'); const {createNameLockExternal} = require('../swapService.js'); const {getPostFeeInfo} = require('../swapService.js'); const {backupDb} = require('../backup.js'); const DEFAULT_FEE_INFO = { rate: 0, addr: null, }; program .version(pkg.version) .option( '-p, --prefix ', 'Prefix directory to write the database to.', `${process.env.HOME}/.shakedex`, ) .option( '-n, --network ', 'Handshake network to connect to.', 'regtest', ) .option('-w, --wallet-id ', 'Handshake wallet ID.', 'primary') .option('-a, --api-key ', 'Handshake wallet API key.') .option( '--shakedex-web-host ', 'Shakedex web hostname.', '', ) .option('--no-passphrase', 'Disable prompts for the wallet passphrase.') .option('-H, --httphost ', 'HSD Host.', ''); program .command('create-external-lock ') .description( 'Creates an address to directly finalize a name transfer to.', ) .action(createExternalLock); program .command('external-lock-details ') .description( 'Prints details about an external lock.', ) .action(viewExternalLock); program .command('transfer-lock ') .description( 'Posts a name lock transaction, which when finalized allows the name to be auctioned.', ) .action(transferLock); program .command('finalize-lock ') .description( 'Finalizes a name lock transaction, which allows the name to be auctioned.', ) .action(finalizeLock); program .command('transfer-lock-cancel ') .description( 'Begins cancelling a name lock by transferring it back to the sender.', ) .action(transferLockCancel); program .command('finalize-lock-cancel ') .description('Cancels a name lock by finalizing it back to the sender.') .action(finalizeLockCancel); program .command('create-auction ') .description('Creates auction presigns.') .action(createAuction); program .command('publish-auction ') .description('Uploads an auction file to Shakedex Web.') .action(publishAuction); program .command('list-auctions') .description('Prints all of your auctions and their statuses.') .action(listAuctions); program .command('auction-details ') .description('Prints details of a specific name auction.') .action(auctionDetails); program .command('fill-auction ') .description('Fills an auction.') .action(fillAuction); program .command('finalize-auction ') .description('Finalizes an auction that has been previously fulfilled.') .action(finalizeAuction); program .command('inspect-auction ') .description('Decode proofs file and display auction information.') .action(inspectAuction); program .command('list-fills') .description('Prints all of your fills and their statuses.') .action(listFills); program .command('backup ') .description('Backs up the shakedex internal DB.') .action(backup); program.parse(process.argv); function setupPrefix(prefix) { if (fs.existsSync(prefix)) { return; } fs.mkdirSync(prefix); } function getContext(opts) { return new Context(, opts.walletId, opts.apiKey, opts.passphrase ? promptPassphraseGetter() : staticPassphraseGetter(null), opts.httphost, ); } async function setupCLI() { const opts = program.opts(); let out = {}; try { setupPrefix(opts.prefix); } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred. Stack trace:'); console.error(e); console.error(); console.error( `Please report this as an issue by visiting ${pkg.bugs.url}/new.`, ); throw e; } try { Network.get(; } catch (e) { die(`Invalid network ${}.`); return; } out.context = getContext(opts); await migrate(opts.prefix); out.db = await createLevelStore(opts.prefix,; out.opts = opts; return out; } async function confirm(message, shouldDie = true) { const answers = await inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'confirm', name: 'confirmed', message, }, ]); if (shouldDie && !answers.confirmed) { die('Cancelled.'); } return answers.confirmed; } async function createExternalLock(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); await confirm( `This command will create an address for a third party to transfer your name to.`, ); log('Creating external locking addr.'); const lock = await createNameLockExternal(context, name); await db.putLockExternalTransfer(lock); log('Locking address successfully created. Give the following address to whoever holds your name:'); log(lock.lockScriptAddr.toString(context.networkName)); } async function viewExternalLock(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const extLockJSON = await db.getLockExternalTransfer(name); if (!extLockJSON) { throw new Error( `Lock info for ${name} was not found.`, ); } const extTransfer = new NameLockExternalTransfer(extLockJSON); const confirmation = await extTransfer.getConfirmationDetails(context); const table = new Table(); table.push( { Name:, }, { 'Locking Address': extTransfer.lockScriptAddr.toString(context.networkName), }, { 'Confirmed At': confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', }, { 'Finalize TX Hash': confirmation.confirmedAt ? confirmation.finalizeTxHash : '-', }, { 'Finalize Output Idx': confirmation.confirmedAt ? confirmation.finalizeOutputIdx : '-', }, ); process.stdout.write(table.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); } async function transferLock(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); await confirm( `Your name ${name} will be transferred to a locking script. ` + 'This can be undone, but requires additional on-chain transactions. Do you wish to continue?', ); log('Performing locking script transfer.'); const lockTransfer = await transferNameLock(context, name); await db.putLockTransfer(lockTransfer); log( `Name transferred to locking script with transaction hash ${lockTransfer.transferTxHash.toString( 'hex', )}.`, ); log('Please wait at least 15 minutes for your transaction to be confirmed.'); } async function finalizeLock(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); await confirm( `Your transfer of ${name} to the locking script will be finalized. ` + 'This can be undone, but requires additional on-chain transactions. Do you wish to continue?', ); const nameState = await db.getOutboundNameState(name); if (nameState === null) { die(`Name ${name} not found.`); } if (nameState !== 'TRANSFER') { die(`Name ${name} is not in the TRANSFER state.`); } const transferJSON = await db.getLockTransfer(name); if (!transferJSON) { throw new Error( `Name transfer for ${name} was not found. This implies database corruption; please file an issue.`, ); } const transfer = new NameLockTransfer(transferJSON); const confirmed = await transfer.getConfirmationDetails(context); if (!confirmed.confirmedAt) { die( `The transaction transferring ${name} to the locking script is unconfirmed. Please try again later.`, ); } if (!confirmed.spendable) { die( `The transfer of ${name} to the locking script is in the lockup period. Please try again in ${confirmed.spendableIn} blocks.`, ); } log('Finalizing locking script transfer.'); const lockFinalize = await finalizeNameLock(context, transfer); await db.putLockFinalize(lockFinalize); log( `Name finalized to locking script with transaction hash ${lockFinalize.finalizeTxHash}.`, ); log('Please wait at least 15 minutes for your transaction to be confirmed.'); } async function transferLockCancel(name) { await confirm( `Your transfer of ${name} to the locking script will be cancelled. You will need to finalize this ` + 'transfer to regain ownership of the name. Do you wish to continue?', ); const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const nameState = await db.getOutboundNameState(name); if (nameState === null) { die(`Name ${name} not found.`); } if (nameState !== 'FINALIZE' && nameState !== 'AUCTION') { die(`Name ${name} is not in the FINALIZE or AUCTION state.`); } if (nameState === 'AUCTION') { await confirm( 'WARNING! Your auction is already live. If someone redeems one of your pre-signed auction ' + 'transactions, your name name will be irrevocably transferred to them. Do you understand this?', ); } const finalizeJSON = await db.getLockFinalize(name); const finalize = new NameLockFinalize(finalizeJSON); const transferCancel = await transferNameLockCancel(context, finalize); await db.putLockCancelTransfer(context, transferCancel); log( `Name lock transferred back to seller with transaction hash ${transferCancel.transferTxHash.toString( 'hex', )}.`, ); log('Please wait 15 minutes for your transaction to be confirmed.'); } async function finalizeLockCancel(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const nameState = await db.getOutboundNameState(name); if (nameState !== 'CANCEL_TRANSFER') { die(`Name $[name} is not in the CANCEL_TRANSFER state.`); } const transferJSON = await db.getLockCancelTransfer(name); const transfer = new NameLockCancelTransfer(transferJSON); const finalize = await finalizeNameLockCancel(context, transfer); await db.putLockCancelFinalize(finalize); log( `Name lock finalized back to seller with transaction hash ${finalize.finalizeTxHash.toString( 'hex', )}.`, ); log('Please wait 15 minutes for your transaction to be confirmed.'); } async function createAuction(name) { const {db, opts, context} = await setupCLI(); const shakedexWebHost = opts.shakedexWebHost; const nameState = await db.getOutboundNameState(name); if (nameState === null) { die(`Name ${name} not found.`); } if (nameState !== 'EXTERNAL_TRANSFER' && nameState !== 'FINALIZE' && nameState !== 'AUCTION') { die(`Name ${name} is not in the EXTERNAL_TRANSFER, FINALIZE, or AUCTION state.`); } if (nameState === 'AUCTION') { const overwriteOkAnswer = await inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'confirm', name: 'overwriteOk', message: `You have already created an auction for ${name}. Do you want to overwrite it?`, default: true, }, ]); if (!overwriteOkAnswer.overwriteOk) { die('Aborted.'); } } let finalize; if (nameState === 'EXTERNAL_TRANSFER') { const extTransferJSON = await db.getLockExternalTransfer(name); const extTransfer = new NameLockExternalTransfer(extTransferJSON); const confirmation = await extTransfer.getConfirmationDetails(context); if (!confirmation.confirmedAt) { die( `The transaction finalizing ${name} to the locking script is unconfirmed. Please try again later.`, ); } finalize = new NameLockFinalize({ name:, finalizeTxHash: confirmation.finalizeTxHash, finalizeOutputIdx: confirmation.finalizeOutputIdx, privateKey: extTransfer.privateKey, broadcastAt: confirmation.confirmedAt * 1000, }); } else { const finalizeJSON = await db.getLockFinalize(name); finalize = new NameLockFinalize(finalizeJSON); const confirmation = await finalize.getConfirmationDetails(context); if (!confirmation.confirmedAt) { die( `The transaction finalizing ${name} to the locking script is unconfirmed. Please try again later.`, ); } } const {outPath, auction, shouldPost} = await promptAuctionParameters( db, context, finalize, shakedexWebHost, ); const stream = fs.createWriteStream(outPath); await auction.writeToStream(context, stream); if (shouldPost) { try { await postAuction(context, auction, shakedexWebHost); } catch (e) { log('An error occurred posting your proof to Shakedex Web:'); log(e.message); log(e.stack); log(`You can still find your proof in ${outPath}.`); } } await db.putAuction(context, auction); log(`Your auction has been successfully written to ${outPath}.`); } async function publishAuction(auctionFile) { const exists = fs.existsSync(auctionFile); if (!exists) { die(`Auction file not found.`); } const {opts, context} = await setupCLI(); const readStream = await fs.readFileSync(auctionFile); const auction = await Auction.fromStream(readStream); try { await postAuction(context, auction, opts.shakedexWebHost); } catch (e) { log('An error occurred posting your proof to Shakedex Web:'); log(e.message); log(e.stack); return; } log(`Your auction for ${} was successfully posted to ${opts.shakedexWebHost}.`); log(`Link: https://${opts.shakedexWebHost}/a/${}`); } async function promptAuctionParameters(db, context, finalize, shakedexWebHost) { const {name} = finalize; const answers = await inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'list', name: 'duration', message: 'How long should the auction last?', choices: ['1 day', '3 days', '5 days', '7 days', '14 days'], }, { type: 'list', name: 'decrementInterval', message: 'How often would you like the price to decrease?', choices: ['Every 15 minutes', 'Every 30 minutes', 'Hourly', 'Daily'], }, { type: 'input', name: 'startPrice', message: 'What price would you like to start the auction at? This should be a high price. Expressed in whole HNS.', validate: (value) => { const valid = !isNaN(Number(value)) && Number(value) > 0; if (valid) { return true; } return `Invalid start price.`; }, }, { type: 'input', name: 'endPrice', message: 'What price would you like to end the auction at? This is the lowest price you will accept for the name. Expressed in whole HNS.', validate: (value) => { const valid = !isNaN(Number(value)) && Number(value) > 0; if (valid) { return true; } return `Invalid end price.`; }, }, { type: 'input', name: 'outPath', message: 'Where would you like to store your auction presigns?', }, { type: 'confirm', name: 'shouldPost', message: `Would you like to publish your auction to Shakedex Web at ${shakedexWebHost}?`, default: true, }, ]); const durationDays = Number(answers.duration.split(' ')[0]); const decrementInterval = answers.decrementInterval; const startPrice = Number(answers.startPrice); const endPrice = Number(answers.endPrice); if (startPrice < endPrice) { die('Your start price cannot be less than your end price.'); } let reductionTime; switch (decrementInterval) { case 'Every 15 minutes': reductionTime = 15 * 60; break; case 'Every 30 minutes': reductionTime = 30 * 60; break; case 'Hourly': reductionTime = 60 * 60; break; case 'Daily': reductionTime = 24 * 60 * 60; } let outPath = answers.outPath; if (answers.outPath[0] === '~') { outPath = outPath.replace('~', process.env.HOME); } let feeInfo = DEFAULT_FEE_INFO; let shouldPost = answers.shouldPost; if (shouldPost) { try { feeInfo = await getPostFeeInfo(context, shakedexWebHost); } catch (e) { log('An error occurred while getting fee info; not posting to Shakedex Web.'); } if (feeInfo.rate !== 0) { const feeOk = await confirm( `The ShakeDex Web host at ${shakedexWebHost} charges a fee of ${feeInfo.rate / 100}%. Is this OK? ` + `Buyers will pay this fee. If you decline, your auction's presigns will still be generated with ` + `a fee of zero. They will not be uploaded to the auction site.`, false, ); if (!feeOk) { feeInfo = DEFAULT_FEE_INFO; shouldPost = false; } } } const mtp = await context.getMTP(); const auctionFactory = new AuctionFactory({ name, startTime: mtp, endTime: mtp + durationDays * 24 * 60 * 60, startPrice: startPrice * 1e6, endPrice: endPrice * 1e6, reductionTime, reductionStrategy: linearReductionStrategy, feeRate: feeInfo.rate, feeAddr: feeInfo.addr, }); const auction = await auctionFactory.createAuction(context, finalize); log(`Please confirm your auction's pricing parameters below.`); const table = new Table({ head: ['Price', 'Fee', 'Unlocks At'], }); for (const datum of { table.push([ (datum.price / 1e6).toFixed(6), (datum.fee / 1e6).toFixed(6), format(new Date(datum.lockTime * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), ]); } process.stdout.write(table.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); const paramsOkAnswer = await inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'confirm', name: 'paramsOk', message: 'Do these auction pricing parameters look ok?', default: true, }, ]); if (!paramsOkAnswer.paramsOk) { return promptAuctionParameters(db, context, finalize, shakedexWebHost); } return {outPath, auction, shouldPost}; } async function listAuctions() { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const table = new Table({ head: [ 'Name', 'Status', 'Confirmed', 'Lockup', 'Broadcast At', 'Confirmed At', ], }); const names = []; await db.iterateOutboundNames((key, value) => { const keySplits = key.split('/'); const name = keySplits[keySplits.length - 1]; const version = Number(value); names.push([name, version]); }); for (const [name, version] of names) { const state = await db.getOutboundNameState(name, version); switch (state) { case 'EXTERNAL_TRANSFER': { const transfer = new NameLockExternalTransfer( await db.getLockExternalTransfer(name, version), ); const confirmation = await transfer.getConfirmationDetails(context); table.push([ name, `EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_${confirmation.status}`, confirmation.status === 'CONFIRMED' ? 'YES' : 'NO', 'N/A', 'N/A', confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } case 'TRANSFER': { const transfer = new NameLockTransfer( await db.getLockTransfer(name, version), ); const confirmation = await transfer.getConfirmationDetails(context); table.push([ name, state, confirmation.confirmedAt ? 'YES' : 'NO', confirmation.confirmedAt ? confirmation.spendable ? '0 BLOCKS' : `${confirmation.spendableIn} BLOCKS` : '-', format(new Date(transfer.broadcastAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } case 'FINALIZE': { const finalize = new NameLockFinalize( await db.getLockFinalize(name, version), ); const confirmation = await finalize.getConfirmationDetails(context); table.push([ name, state, confirmation.confirmedAt ? 'YES' : 'NO', '-', format(new Date(finalize.broadcastAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } case 'AUCTION': { const auction = new Auction(await db.getAuction(name, version)); const isFulfilled = await auction.isFulfilled(context); table.push([ name, isFulfilled ? 'AUCTION_FILLED' : 'AUCTION_LIVE', isFulfilled ? 'YES' : 'NO', '-', '-', '-', ]); break; } case 'CANCEL_TRANSFER': { const cancelTransfer = new NameLockCancelTransfer( await db.getLockCancelTransfer(name, version), ); const confirmation = await cancelTransfer.getConfirmationDetails( context, ); table.push([ name, state, confirmation.confirmedAt ? 'YES' : 'NO', confirmation.confirmedAt ? confirmation.spendable ? '0 BLOCKS' : `${confirmation.spendableIn} BLOCKS` : '-', format(new Date(cancelTransfer.broadcastAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } case 'CANCEL_FINALIZE': { const cancelFinalize = new NameLockCancelFinalize( await db.getLockCancelFinalize(name, version), ); const confirmation = await cancelFinalize.getConfirmationDetails( context, ); table.push([ name, state, confirmation.confirmedAt ? 'YES' : 'NO', '-', format(new Date(cancelFinalize.broadcastAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } } } process.stdout.write(table.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); } async function auctionDetails(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const status = await db.getOutboundNameState(name); if (status !== 'AUCTION') { die( `Name ${name} is not in the AUCTION state. Run shakedex list-outbound-names to view this name.`, ); } const auctionJSON = await db.getAuction(name); if (!auctionJSON) { throw new Error( `Auction for ${name} was not found. This implies database corruption; please file an issue.`, ); } const auction = new Auction(auctionJSON); const isFulfilled = await auction.isFulfilled(context); log('Basic info:'); const infoTable = new Table(); infoTable.push( {Name: name}, {'Locking TX Hash': auction.lockingTxHash.toString('hex')}, {'Locking Output Idx': auction.lockingOutputIdx}, { 'First Bid Unlocks At': format( new Date([0].lockTime * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS', ), }, { 'Last Bid Unlocks At': format( new Date([ - 1].lockTime * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS', ), }, {'Starting Bid': ([0].price / 1e6).toFixed(6)}, { 'Ending Bid': ([ - 1].price / 1e6).toFixed( 6, ), }, {'Fulfilled?': isFulfilled ? 'YES' : 'NO'}, ); process.stdout.write(infoTable.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); log('Bid schedule:'); const bidsTable = new Table(['Bid', 'Unlocks At']); for (const datum of { bidsTable.push([ (datum.price / 1e6).toFixed(6), format(new Date(datum.lockTime * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), ]); } process.stdout.write(bidsTable.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); } async function fillAuction(auctionPath) { const exists = fs.existsSync(auctionPath); if (!exists) { die(`Proposals file not found.`); } const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const readStream = await fs.readFileSync(auctionPath); const auction = await Auction.fromStream(readStream); log('Verifying swap proofs.'); const ok = await auction.verifyProofs(context, (curr, total) => { process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write(`>> Verified proof ${curr}.`); }); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); if (!ok) { die('Auction contains invalid swap proofs.'); } log('All swap proofs in auction are valid.'); log('Calculating best price.'); const [bestBid, bestProofIdx] = await auction.bestBidAt(context); if (!bestBid) die('No proofs are mature yet, auction has not started.'); const table = new Table(); table.push( { Name:, }, { Price: `${(bestBid.price / 1e6).toFixed(6)} HNS`, }, { Fee: `${(bestBid.fee / 1e6).toFixed(6)}`, }, ); process.stdout.write(table.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); await confirm( 'Are you sure you want to fill the auction above? This action is not reversible. You are responsible for all blockchain fees.', ); const fill = await fillSwap(context, auction.toSwapProof(bestProofIdx)); await db.putSwapFill(fill); log(`Fulfilled auction with transaction hash ${fill.fulfillmentTxHash}.`); log(`Please wait 15 minutes for the blockchain to confirm the transaction.`); } async function finalizeAuction(name) { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const status = await db.getInboundNameState(name); if (status !== 'FILL') { die(`Name ${name} is not in the FILL state.`); } const fillJSON = await db.getSwapFill(name); if (!fillJSON) { throw new Error( `Fill fo ${name} was not found. This implies database corruption; please file an issue.`, ); } const fill = new SwapFill(fillJSON); const confirmed = await fill.getConfirmationDetails(context); if (!confirmed.confirmedAt) { die( `The transaction filling the ${name} auction is unconfirmed. Please try again later.`, ); } if (!confirmed.spendable) { die( `The fill transferring ${name} to the buyer is in the lockup period. Please try again in ${confirmed.spendableIn} blocks.`, ); } const finalize = await finalizeSwap(context, fill); await db.putSwapFinalize(finalize); } async function inspectAuction(auctionPath) { const exists = fs.existsSync(auctionPath); if (!exists) { die(`Proposals file not found.`); } const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const readStream = await fs.readFileSync(auctionPath); const auction = await Auction.fromStream(readStream); log('Verifying swap proofs.'); const ok = await auction.verifyProofs(context, (curr, total) => { process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write(`>> Verified proof ${curr}.`); }); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); if (!ok) { die('Auction contains invalid swap proofs.'); } log('All swap proofs in auction are valid.'); const [bestBid, bestProofIdx] = await auction.bestBidAt(context); const table = new Table({ head: [ 'Name', 'Price (HNS)', 'Fee', 'Locktime (MTP)', 'Current Best' ], }); for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const bid = auction.toSwapProof(i); table.push([, (bid.price / 1e6).toFixed(6), bid.fee, format(new Date(bid.lockTime * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), i === bestProofIdx ? '<--------' : '' ]); } process.stdout.write(table.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); const mtp = await context.getMTP(); const now = format(new Date(mtp * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'); log(`Current time (MTP): ${now}`); if (!bestBid) die('No proofs are mature yet, auction has not started.'); } async function listFills() { const {db, context} = await setupCLI(); const table = new Table({ head: [ 'Name', 'Status', 'Confirmed', 'Lockup', 'Price', 'Fee', 'Broadcast At', 'Confirmed At', ], }); const names = []; await db.iterateInboundNames((key, value) => { const keySplits = key.split('/'); const name = keySplits[keySplits.length - 1]; const version = Number(value); names.push([name, version]); }); for (const [name, version] of names) { const state = await db.getInboundNameState(name, version); switch (state) { case 'FILL': { const fill = new SwapFill(await db.getSwapFill(name, version)); const confirmation = await fill.getConfirmationDetails(context); table.push([, 'FILL', confirmation.confirmedAt ? 'YES' : 'NO', confirmation.confirmedAt ? confirmation.spendable ? '0 BLOCKS' : `${confirmation.spendableIn} BLOCKS` : '-', (fill.price / 1e6).toFixed(6), (fill.fee / 1e6).toFixed(6), format(new Date(fill.broadcastAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt * 1000), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } case 'FINALIZE': { const fill = new SwapFill(await db.getSwapFill(name, version)); const finalize = new SwapFinalize( await db.getSwapFinalize(name, version), ); const confirmation = await fill.getConfirmationDetails(context); table.push([, 'FINALIZE', confirmation.confirmedAt ? 'YES' : 'NO', '-', (fill.price / 1e6).toFixed(6), (fill.fee / 1e6).toFixed(6), format(new Date(finalize.broadcastAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS'), confirmation.confirmedAt ? format(new Date(confirmation.confirmedAt), 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') : '-', ]); break; } } } process.stdout.write(table.toString()); process.stdout.write('\n'); } async function backup(outFile) { const {prefix} = program.opts(); log(`Backing up database in ${prefix}.`); await backupDb(prefix, outFile); log('Done.'); }