
Address {{address.hash}}

Copied to clipboard
Date {{block.time | datetimeformat}}
Difficulty {{block.bits | convert_bits_to_difficulty}}
Nonce {{block.nonce}}
Transactions {{block.txs | length}}
Hash {{ block.hash[:6] }}...{{ block.hash[-6:] }}
Merkle Root {{block.merkleRoot}}
Witness Root {{block.witnessRoot}}
Tree Root {{block.treeRoot}}

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.


{% for txid in block.txs %} {% set tx = txid | getTX %}

TX: #{{tx.index}} {{ tx.hash[:6] }}...{{ tx.hash[-6:] }}  

Fee: {{"{:,.2f}".format(tx.fee / 1000000) }} HNS
Rate: {{"{:,.2f}".format(tx.rate/1000)}} doo/vB
{% for input in tx.inputs %}
{% if input.address %} {{ input.address }} {% elif input.coin %} {{ input.coin.address }} {% else %} The Void {% endif %}
{% if input.address %} {% elif input.coin %} {{ "{:,.2f}".format(input.coin.value/1000000) }} HNS {% if input.coin.covenant %} {% if input.coin.covenant.type != 0 %} {{ input.coin.covenant }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if input.witness %} {% if input.witness | length == 1 %} Airdrop/Name Claim {% else %} Mining Reward `{{ input.witness[0] | hexToAscii }}` {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for output in tx.outputs %}
{% if output.address %} {{ output.address }} {% elif output.coin %} {{ output.coin.address }} {% else %} The Void {% endif %}
{% if output.covenant %} {% if output.covenant.action == "NONE" %} {{"{:,.2f}".format(output.value / 1000000) }} HNS {% else %} {{ output.covenant | parse_covenant }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{"{:,.2f}".format(output.value / 1000000) }} HNS {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}