# IMPORTANT: It is very important that you correctly complete this originality # statement. # # This is your statement of your submitted work being your own. # Incorrectly filling out this statement could lead to charges # of academic misconduct. # # For information on how to fill this out correctly, see # https://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/comp1110/help/faq/09-originality/ # declaration: >- Stage F represents the culmination of the entire assignment. We declare that everything we have submitted for for all stages of this assignment was entirely our own work, with the following exceptions: # Use this to list names of people who you collaborated with, and a # comment about what you collaborated on. # # Add as many "name+comment" entries as necessary # (or remove it altogether if you haven't collaborated with anyone) # collaboration: # - name: # comment: >- # Use this to list any code that you used that you did not write, # aside from code provided by the lecturer. Provide a comment # explaining your use and the URL to that code and the licence for # that code # # Add as many "url+licence+comment" entries as necessary # (or remove it altogether if you haven't used any external code) # code: # - comment: CSS styling for buttons + comboboxes # url: http://fxexperience.com/2011/12/styling-fx-buttons-with-css/ # licence: Public Domain # Use this to list any assets (artwork, sound, etc) that you used. # Provide a comment explaining your use of that asset and the URL # and license for the asset # # Add as many "url+licence+comment" entries as necessary # (or remove it altogether if you haven't used any external assets) # assets: # - comment: # url: # licence: # Sign *your* name and uids here. (Remove entries if you have fewer # than three members.) signatures: - name: Nathan Woodburn uid: u7156831 - name: uid: - name: Justin Ryu uid: u7492895