Task 5 boardArrangement and CurrentStageArrangement done
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,12 +3,20 @@ package comp1110.ass2.gui;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Viewer extends Application {
@ -28,8 +36,168 @@ public class Viewer extends Application {
* This may prove useful for debugging complex states.
* @param stateString a string representing a game state
* The combined game state is made up of the following in order:
* 1 Game Arrangement Statement
* 1 Current State Statement
* Many Island Statements (as many as there are Islands on the map) - sorted ascending numerically by the island bonus (ties broken by numerically ascending coordinates)
* 1 Stones Statement
* 1 Unclaimed Resources Statement
* Many Player Statements (as many as there are Players) - sorted ascending numerically by player number
* Formally this is:
* gameState = gameArrangementStatement, " ", currentStateStatement, {" ", islandStatement}, " ", stonesStatement, " ", unclaimedResourcesAndStatuettesStatement, {" ", playerStatement}
* e.g. "a 13 2; c 0 E; i 6 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,0 2,1; i 6 0,5 0,6 0,7 1,6 1,7 1,8 2,6 2,7 2,8 3,7 3,8; i 6 7,12 8,11 9,11 9,12 10,10 10,11 11,10 11,11 11,12 12,10 12,11; i 8 0,9 0,10 0,11 1,10 1,11 1,12 2,10 2,11 3,10 3,11 3,12 4,10 4,11 5,11 5,12; i 8 4,0 5,0 5,1 6,0 6,1 7,0 7,1 7,2 8,0 8,1 8,2 9,0 9,1 9,2; i 8 10,3 10,4 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 11,5 12,0 12,1 12,2 12,3 12,4 12,5; i 10 3,3 3,4 3,5 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 7,4 7,5 7,6 8,4 8,5; i 10 5,8 5,9 6,8 6,9 7,8 7,9 7,10 8,7 8,8 8,9 9,7 9,8 9,9 10,6 10,7 10,8 11,7 11,8 12,7 12,8; s 0,0 0,5 0,9 1,4 1,8 1,12 2,1 3,5 3,7 3,10 3,12 4,0 4,2 5,9 5,11 6,3 6,6 7,0 7,8 7,12 8,2 8,5 9,0 9,9 10,3 10,6 10,10 11,0 11,5 12,2 12,8 12,11; r C B W P S; p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S T; p 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S T;"
* ^ The initial board. Two players, player 0 to start.
* [Game statement]
* gameArrangementStatement = "a ", boardHeight, " ", numPlayers, ";"
* where boardHeight and numPlayers are both positive integers.
* e.g. "a 13 2;"
* ^ The standard map layout - 13 high, 2 players
* [Current State]
* currentStateStatement = "c ", playerId, " ", phase, ";"
* phase = "E" | "S"
* and where playerId is a non-negative integer that represents the ID of the current player whose turn it is.
* e.g. "c 0 E;"
* ^ The current player to move is player 0 in the Exploration phase
* [Many Island Statements]
* islandStatement = "i ", bonus, {" ", coordinate}, ";"
* where bonus is a non-negative integer.
* e.g. "i 6 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,0 2,1;"
* ^ The first island (top left) of the standard map
* e.g. "i 6 0,5 0,6 0,7 1,6 1,7 1,8 2,6 2,7 2,8 3,7 3,8;"
* ^ The second island (top middle) of the standard map
* e.g. "i 6 7,12 8,11 9,11 9,12 10,10 10,11 11,10 11,11 11,12 12,10 12,11; i 8 0,9 0,10 0,11 1,10 1,11 1,12 2,10 2,11 3,10 3,11 3,12 4,10 4,11 5,11 5,12; i 8 4,0 5,0 5,1 6,0 6,1 7,0 7,1 7,2 8,0 8,1 8,2 9,0 9,1 9,2;"
* ^ A sequence of three island statements appearing in the standard game string
* [Stones Statement]
* There will always be exactly 32 stone circles. Coordinates are sorted in numerically ascending order. hint: parse all island statements before the stones statement
* stonesStatement = "s", {" ", coordinate}, ";"
* e.g. "s 0,0 0,5 0,9 1,4 1,8 1,12 2,1 3,5 3,7 3,10 3,12 4,0 4,2 5,9 5,11 6,3 6,6 7,0 7,8 7,12 8,2 8,5 9,0 9,9 10,3 10,6 10,10 11,0 11,5 12,2 12,8 12,11;"
* ^ The stone circles on the base map
* [Unclaimed Resource statement]
* unclaimedResourcesAndStatuettesStatement = "r C", {" ", coordinate}, " B", {" ", coordinate}, " W", {" ", coordinate}, " P", {" ", coordinate}, " S", {" ", coordinate}, ";"
* e.g. "r C 1,1 B 1,2 W P 1,4 S;"
* ^ Coconut at 1,1, Bamboo at 1,2, Precious Stone at 1,4. No Water or Statuettes
* [Player Statement]
* playerStatement = "p ", playerId, " ", score, " ", coconut, " ", bamboo, " ", water, " ", preciousStone, " ", statuette, " S", {" ", coordinate}, " T", {" ", coordinate}, ";"
* where coconut, bamboo, water, preciousStone, statuette are non-negative integers representing the number of each resource or statuettes the player has collected during this phase. score is the total score of the player.
* e.g. "p 1 42 1 2 3 4 5 S 5,6 8,7 T 1,2;"
* private static final int VIEWER_WIDTH = 1200;
* private static final int VIEWER_HEIGHT = 700;
* ^ player 1 with score: 42, coconuts: 1, bamboo: 2, water: 3, precious stone: 4, statuettes: 5, placed settlers at 5,6 and 8,7, placed villages at 1,2
* a 13 2; c 0 E; i 6 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,0 2,1; i 6 0,5 0,6 0,7 1,6 1,7
void displayState(String stateString) {
// When refreshing, it clears the whole thing and update it
// To group the root and adjust their Px sizes accordingly
// to each other
StackPane rootGroup = new StackPane();
// Part 1 done (Game Arrangement State)
String[] parts = stateString.split(";");
String gameArrangementState = parts[0];
String[] gameArrangementStateParts = gameArrangementState.split(" ");
int boardHeight = Integer.parseInt(gameArrangementStateParts[1]);
int boardHeightPx = boardHeight * 45;
Rectangle board = new Rectangle();
board.setWidth(boardHeightPx); // width (assume for right now the map is a square
board.setHeight(boardHeightPx); // height
board.setX((VIEWER_WIDTH / 2) - board.getWidth()/2); // starting x loc
board.setY((VIEWER_HEIGHT / 2) - board.getHeight()/2); // starting y loc
// Part 2 (Current Arrangement State)
String currentArrangementState = parts[1];
String[] currentArrangementStateParts = currentArrangementState.split(" ");
int playerId = Integer.parseInt(currentArrangementStateParts[2]);
String currentArrangementPhaseParts = currentArrangementStateParts[3];
String currentArrangementActualPhase = "";
switch(currentArrangementPhaseParts) {
case "E": {
currentArrangementActualPhase = "Exploration";
case "S": {
currentArrangementActualPhase = "Settler";
Text currentStateText = new Text();
currentStateText.setText("The current player to move is player " +
playerId + " in the " + currentArrangementActualPhase +
" phase");
currentStateText.setFont(Font.font("Sans Serif",
FontWeight.BOLD, 20));
//Before doing part 3, make the board and the current state adjustable to each
// by that I mean, when the board size adjusted, the current state is also
// adjusted
// Part 3 (Many Island Statements)
// Make hexagonal tiles inside the board
// CoordsPx < coords * 45 as "*45" is the px constant for the board
[Many Island Statements]
* islandStatement = "i ", bonus, {" ", coordinate}, ";"
* where bonus is a non-negative integer.
* e.g. "i 6 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,0 2,1;"
* ^ The first island (top left) of the standard map
* e.g. "i 6 0,5 0,6 0,7 1,6 1,7 1,8 2,6 2,7 2,8 3,7 3,8;"
* ^ The second island (top middle) of the standard map
* e.g. "i 6 7,12 8,11 9,11 9,12 10,10 10,11 11,10 11,11 11,12 12,10 12,11; i 8 0,9 0,10 0,11 1,10 1,11 1,12 2,10 2,11 3,10 3,11 3,12 4,10 4,11 5,11 5,12; i 8 4,0 5,0 5,1 6,0 6,1 7,0 7,1 7,2 8,0 8,1 8,2 9,0 9,1 9,2;"
* ^ A sequence of three island statements appearing in the standard game string
// FIXME Task 5
Reference in New Issue
Block a user