Task 7 DONE :)

Signed-off-by: Immanuel Alvaro Bhirawa <u7280427@anu.edu.au>
This commit is contained in:
Immanuel Alvaro Bhirawa 2023-04-14 13:53:11 +10:00
parent e8485d8e21
commit 8ffd63bab3

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@ -224,20 +224,19 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
int numberOfPlayer = 0; // Number of player
String playerId = ""; // Player ID
String pStatePlayerId = "";
String pStatePlayerId = ""; // the current Player's move ID
ArrayList<String> settlerCoords = new ArrayList<>(); // Placed Settler Coordinates
ArrayList<String> villageCoords = new ArrayList<>(); // Placed villags coordinates
ArrayList<String> playerSettlerCoords = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> playerVillageCoords = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> playerSettlerCoords = new ArrayList<>(); // The current Player's settler coords
ArrayList<String> playerVillageCoords = new ArrayList<>(); // The current Player's Village coords
String[] split = moveString.split(" ");
String pieceType = split[0]; // Move coord piece type S or T
String moveCoords = split[1];
String moveCoords = split[1]; // The actual coords from the move String
String[] splitCoords = moveCoords.split(",");
int xMoveCoords = Integer.parseInt(splitCoords[1]);
int yMoveCoords = Integer.parseInt(splitCoords[0]);
int boardHeight = 0;
int numberOfSettlersPerPlayer = 30;
int numberOfVillagesPerPlayer = 5;
int settlerCounter = 0;
@ -258,7 +257,6 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
// Get the player ID and Current Phase from here
// Phase Exploration or Settlement
// c 0 E
case "c":
playerId = parseSplit[1];
currentPhase = parseSplit[2];
@ -275,22 +273,30 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
case "p":
// Check if there's enough pieces left for that player that is moving
pStatePlayerId = parseSplit[1];
// if (pStatePlayerId.equals(playerId)) {
// Collecting the settler Coords that has been placed
for (int i = 9; i < parseSplit.length; i++) {
while (!parseSplit[i].equals("T")) {
// settlerCounter = i - 8;
settlerCoords.add(parseSplit[i]); // Store all the setller coords
// If the current player ID is the same as the placed settler's player ID
// Store it into array
if(pStatePlayerId.equals(playerId)) playerSettlerCoords.add(parseSplit[i]);
settlerCounter = settlerCoords.size();
// If the current player ID is the same as the placed settler's player ID
// iterate the settlerCounter
if(pStatePlayerId.equals(playerId)) settlerCounter = playerSettlerCoords.size();
// Collecting the village coords that has been placed
while (i < parseSplit.length) {
villageCounter = i - 9 - settlerCounter;
if(pStatePlayerId.equals(playerId)) villageCounter = i - 9 - settlerCounter;
villageCoords.add(parseSplit[i]); // Store all the village Coords
// If the current player ID is the same as the placed Village's player ID
// Store it into array
if(pStatePlayerId.equals(playerId)) playerVillageCoords.add(parseSplit[i]);
@ -326,82 +332,43 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
// for out of bound stuff
System.out.println("Y Coord: " + yMoveCoords);
// System.out.println(yMoveCoords % 2 != 0 && yMoveCoords > boardHeight - 1);
System.out.println("X Coord: " + xMoveCoords);
// System.out.println("X " + (xMoveCoords > boardHeight - (xMoveCoords % 2)));
// out of bound for height
if(yMoveCoords > boardHeight - 1) return false;
// if it's even rows
// if it's even rows, check the number of cols for out of bound (i.e. the width)
if(yMoveCoords % 2 == 0) {
if(xMoveCoords > boardHeight - 2) return false;
} else if (yMoveCoords % 2 != 0) {
if(xMoveCoords > boardHeight - 1) return false;
// if(xMoveCoords > boardHeight - 2 + (xMoveCoords % 2)) return false;
// even = 11 max, odd = 12 max
//* <p>
// * In the Exploration Phase, the move must either be:
// * - A settler placed on any unoccupied sea space
// * - A settler or a village placed on any unoccupied land space
// * adjacent to one of the player's pieces.
// For Exploration Phase and or Settlement Phase
// Exploration Phase
case "E":
// System.out.println("Island Coords" + coordsContainer);
// System.out.println("Settler" + settlerCoords);
// System.out.println("Village" + villageCoords);
// System.out.println(pieceType);
// System.out.println(moveString);
// System.out.println("If the spot is occupied return true " + (settlerCoords.contains(moveCoords) || villageCoords.contains(moveCoords)));
// System.out.println("Village placed on sea returns true " + (pieceType.equals("T") && !coordsContainer.contains(moveCoords)));
// System.out.println("if the village is placed on the land and is adjacent return true" + (pieceType.equals("T") && ((!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerVillageCoords)) &&
// (!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerSettlerCoords)))));
// System.out.println("If the settler is on land return true" + (pieceType.equals("S") && coordsContainer.contains(moveCoords)));
// System.out.println("if the settlers are adjacent return true" + (!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerSettlerCoords) &&
// !isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerVillageCoords)));
// If the move Coords is an occupied space, return false;
if(settlerCoords.contains(moveCoords) || villageCoords.contains(moveCoords)) return false;
// If the Village is being placed on the sea return false
if(pieceType.equals("T") && !coordsContainer.contains(moveCoords)) return false;
// if the village is placed on Land and it's not adjacent to any
// of the pieces return false
if(pieceType.equals("T") && (!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerVillageCoords) &&
!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerSettlerCoords))) return false;
// If settler is on land and it's not adjacent to any of the pieces
// return false
if(pieceType.equals("S") && coordsContainer.contains(moveCoords)){
if(!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerSettlerCoords) &&
!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerVillageCoords)) return false;
// * <p>
// * In the Settlement Phase, the move must be:
// * - Only a settler placed on an unoccupied space adjacent to
// * one of the player's pieces.
// * Importantly, players can now only play on the sea if it is
// * adjacent to a piece they already own.
// Settlement Phase
case "S":
// If the move coord is an occupied space, return false;
if(settlerCoords.contains(moveCoords)) return false;
@ -409,6 +376,8 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
// As the only move is for the settler, the village is false
if(pieceType.equals("T")) return false;
// if the settler is not adjacent with any of the pieces return false
if(!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerSettlerCoords) &&
!isAdjacent(moveCoords, playerVillageCoords)) return false;
@ -416,13 +385,11 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
private static boolean isAdjacent(String centerCoords, ArrayList<String> coordsContainer) {
// for (String coord : coordsContainer) System.out.println(coord);
// if(xMoveCoords > boardHeight - 2 + (xMoveCoords % 2)) return false;
String[] coordsSplit = centerCoords.split(",");
int mainX = Integer.parseInt(coordsSplit[1]);
int mainY = Integer.parseInt(coordsSplit[0]);
int mainX = Integer.parseInt(coordsSplit[1]); // xCoord for center Coords
int mainY = Integer.parseInt(coordsSplit[0]); // yCoord for center Coords
// To check for the 6 adjacencies surrounding the center coords
int[][] adjacentModifiers = {
{0 - mainY % 2, -1},
{1 - mainY % 2, -1},
@ -435,7 +402,6 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
if (coordsContainer.contains(String.format("%s,%s", mainY + mod[1], mainX + mod[0])))
return true;
return false;