This commit is contained in:
Immanuel Alvaro Bhirawa 2023-03-24 14:53:12 +11:00
commit 8b03da60c4

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@ -31,75 +31,33 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
public static boolean isStateStringWellFormed(String stateString){
// Check if the string is empty
if (stateString == ""){
return false;
// Check if the last character is a semicolon
if (stateString.charAt(stateString.length()-1) != ';'){
return false;
// Split string by semicolon
String[] splitStateString = stateString.split("; ");
for (String sub: splitStateString){
switch (sub.substring(0,1)) {
case "a": {
// Check if the string is well formed for game arrangement
// string should be a [0-9] [0-9] with each number being 1 or 2 digits
if (!sub.matches("a \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2}")) {
return false;
case "c": {
// Check if the string is well formed for current state
// string should be c [0-9] E/S or c [0-9] E/S
if (!sub.matches("c \\d{1,2} [E|S]")) {
return false;
case "i": {
// Check if the string is well formed for island
if (!sub.matches("i \\d{1,2} (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2}")) {
return false;
case "s": {
// Check if the string is well formed for stones
if (!sub.matches("s (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )+\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2}")) {
return false;
case "r":{
// Check if the string is well formed for the unclaimed resources and statuettes
if (!sub.matches("r C (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*B (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*W (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*P (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*S( \\d{1,2},\\d{1,2})*")){
return false;
case "p": {
// Check if the string is well formed for the player info
if (!sub.matches("p \\d \\d{1,3} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} S (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*T( (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} ?)*)?;?")){
return false;
default: {
// If the string does not start with any of the above characters, it is not well formed
return false;
// Create an array of regex strings to match the state string
// The state string contains 5 parts, each of which is matched by a regex string
String[] matchArray = new String[6];
// For the gameArrangementStatement use the following regex string
matchArray[0] = "a \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2}; ";
// For the currentStateStatement use the following regex string
matchArray[1] = "c \\d{1,2} [E|S]; ";
// For the islandStatement use the following regex string
matchArray[2] = "(i \\d{1,2} (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2}; )*";
// For the stonesStatement use the following regex string
matchArray[3] = "(s (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )+\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2}; )";
// For the resources and statuettes use the following regex string
matchArray[4] = "r C (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*B (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*W (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*P (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*S( \\d{1,2},\\d{1,2})*;";
// For the playersStatement use the following regex string
matchArray[5] = "( p \\d \\d{1,3} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} S (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} )*T( (\\d{1,2},\\d{1,2} ?)*)?;)*";
// Combine the regex strings into one string to match the state string
String matchString = "";
for (String match:matchArray) {
matchString += match;
// Check if the state string matches the regex string
if (!stateString.matches(matchString)) return false;
return true;
@ -148,7 +106,7 @@ public class BlueLagoon {
// For testing purposes
// System.out.println(stateString);
// Check if the stateString is well formed
// Check if the stateString is well-formed
if (!isStateStringWellFormed(stateString)) return stateString;
// Grab the stone circles from the stateString