' . $str . "
\r\n"; } } public function __construct() { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'astra-config.php'); require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Config_options.php'); if (!defined('CZ_DB_PATH')) { define('CZ_DB_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); } echo_debug('Astra Constuctor Loaded'); echo_debug('Astra version - v' . CZ_ASTRA_CLIENT_VERSION . ' and PHP version - ' . PHP_VERSION); if (!$this->meets_requirements()) { echo_debug('Requirements not met'); return FALSE; } else { echo_debug('Meets all Requirements'); } self::$_config = new AstraConfig(); if (CZ_ASTRA_ACTIVE) { echo_debug('Astra Active'); require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Astra_ip.php'); $client_ip = new Astra_ip(); self::$_ip = $client_ip->get_ip_address(); if (trim(self::$_ip) == "") { self::$_ip = ''; } self::$_user_agent = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; if (!empty($cz_lvl)) { self::$cz_lvl = $cz_lvl; } else { self::$cz_lvl = get_cz_lvl(); $cz_lvl = self::$cz_lvl; } echo_debug('Current IP: ' . self::$_ip); echo_debug('Current UA: ' . self::$_user_agent); echo_debug(self::$cz_lvl); echo_debug($cz_lvl); $this->check_search_engine(); if (CZ_SETUP) { echo_debug('Has been Setup'); $this->init(); } else { echo_debug('NOT been Setup'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $this->setup()) { echo_debug('Setup Complete'); $this->init(); } } } else { echo_debug('Astra not active'); show_astra_debug_log(); return; } show_astra_debug_log(); } protected function meets_requirements() { if (!defined('PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME')) { echo_debug('PDO Driver Missing'); return FALSE; } else { echo_debug('PDO Loaded'); } if (!in_array('sqlite', PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), TRUE)) { echo_debug('sqlite3 extension not loaded'); return false; } else { echo_debug('SQLite loaded'); } if (!file_exists(CZ_DB_PATH . 'db/' . CZ_DATABASE_NAME . '.db')) { echo_debug('Updating DB'); $this->update_db(); } else { /* unlink(ASTRAPATH . 'db/' . CZ_DATABASE_NAME . '.db'); echo_debug('Updating DB'); $this->update_db(); * */ } return TRUE; } public function init() { echo_debug('Initializing'); self::connect_db(); $this->run(); } public static function connect_db() { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/SQLite_db.php'); self::$_db = new SQLiteWrapper(self::$cz_lvl); } private function update_db() { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Update_DB.php'); $update_db = new Update_DB(); } public function setup() { if (empty($_SERVER)) { return false; } // Added for TC if (!defined("CZ_SECRET_KEY") || (defined("CZ_SECRET_KEY") && strlen(CZ_SECRET_KEY) < 2)) { echo_debug('Enc keys not set'); return false; } /* if (file_exists(CZ_DB_PATH . 'db/' . CZ_DATABASE_NAME . 'db')) { if (unlink(CZ_DB_PATH . 'db/' . CZ_DATABASE_NAME . 'db')) { echo_debug('Deletd Already Set Database'); } else { echo_debug('Unable to Delete Database'); return FALSE; } } */ require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Astra_setup.php'); $astraSetup = new Astra_setup(); $astraSetup->createAstraFiles(); $rootApiUri = $astraSetup->getRootApiFileUri(); require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/API_connect.php'); $connect = new API_connect(); $connect->setRootApiUri($rootApiUri); if (!$connect->setup()) { return FALSE; } require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Update_DB.php'); $update_db = new Update_DB(); if (!$update_db) { return FALSE; } require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Update_config.php'); $update_config_file = Update_config('CZ_SETUP', base64_encode('TRUE'), FALSE); return $update_config_file; } public function run() { echo_debug('About to run'); $blocked_or_trusted = self::$_db->is_blocked_or_trusted(self::$_ip, false, self::$_config); if ($blocked_or_trusted == "blocked" && !self::$_is_search_engine) { self::show_block_page(); } if ($blocked_or_trusted == "trusted" || self::is_whitelisted_url() || self::$_is_search_engine) { echo_debug("Is trusted or whitelisted or a search engine"); if (self::$_is_search_engine) { $is_trusted = self::$_db->edit_ip_exception('add', 'trusted', self::$_ip); } return TRUE; } $is_bad_bot = $this->is_bad_bot(); if ($blocked_or_trusted == "blocked" || $is_bad_bot || self::$_is_fake_search_engine_bot) { echo_debug('You have been blocked'); require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/API_connect.php'); $connect = new API_connect(); if ($is_bad_bot || self::$_is_fake_search_engine_bot) { // self::$_db->log_hit(self::$_ip); self::$_db->edit_ip_exception('add', 'blocked', self::$_ip); echo_debug('You are a badbot'); $connect->send_request("badbot", array()); echo_debug('Reported Blackbot status'); } self::show_block_page(); } $this->run_upload_scan(); $this->run_IDS(); $this->run_patches(); if (!self::$_is_search_engine) { $this->run_token_bucket(); } } protected function is_whitelisted_url() { if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $db_params = self::$_db->get_custom_params(); $db_allowed_urls = $db_params['url']; $allowed_urls = array('/admin/', '/wp-admin', 'checkout', 'paypal', '/ipn.php', '/transaction', 'callback', 'contact-form-7', 'wc-ajax=', '/wc-api', '/wp-json', 'api/soap', 'api/v2_soap'); $merge = array_merge($allowed_urls, $db_allowed_urls); //print_r($merge); foreach ($merge as $allowed_url) { if (strpos($url, $allowed_url) !== false) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } public static function show_block_page($attack_param = null) { if (defined('CZ_ASTRA_MODE') && CZ_ASTRA_MODE == 'monitor') { return TRUE; } if (!headers_sent()) { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); } echo_debug('About to show block page'); if (file_exists(ASTRAPATH . 'block-page-custom.php')) { $block_page_path = ASTRAPATH . 'block-page-custom.php'; } else { $block_page_path = ASTRAPATH . 'block-page.php'; } if (!headers_sent()) { header('X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block'); header('X-Frame-Options: deny'); header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'); /* No cache headers */ header('X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache'); header("Expires: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Connection: close"); } if (file_exists($block_page_path)) { include($block_page_path); exit; die(); } if (!headers_sent()) { header("Location: " . CZ_BLOCK_PAGE_URL); /* Redirect browser */ } else { echo ''; } die("You are blocked"); exit(); } protected function run_upload_scan() { if (empty($_FILES)) { return true; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { echo_debug('Including mussel'); $config = new AstraConfig(); $data['key'] = 'file_uploads'; $musselResult = $config->get_config($data); if ($musselResult) { $phpMusselConfig = json_decode($musselResult, true); if ($phpMusselConfig['status'] == 'TRUE') { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/plugins/phpMussel/loader.php'); } else { return false; } } else { // Run upload scan by default require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/plugins/phpMussel/loader.php'); } } else { echo_debug('PHP version (' . PHP_VERSION . ') < 5.4.0 so not including Mussel'); } } protected function run_ids() { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/PHPIDS.php'); echo_debug('Including IDS'); $phpids = new PHPIDS(self::$_db, self::$_ip); } protected function run_patches() { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Virtual_patches.php'); $patches = new Astra_virtual_patches(); $patches->apply(); $applied_patches = $patches->get_applied_patches(); if (count($applied_patches) > 0) { self::$_db->log_hit(self::$_ip); self::show_block_page(); } } protected function is_bad_bot() { $db = self::$_db->is_bad_bot(self::$_user_agent); if ($db && !self::$_is_search_engine) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } protected function check_search_engine() { require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Bad_bots.php'); $bot = new Bad_bots(self::$_user_agent, self::$_ip); self::$_is_search_engine = $bot->is_search_engine(); self::$_is_fake_search_engine_bot = $bot->is_fake_bot(); return true; } function get_sso_token() { $time = strtolower(gmdate("FYhiA")); $str = CZ_CLIENT_KEY . '|' . CZ_ACCESS_KEY . '|' . $time; $token = hash_hmac('sha256', $str, CZ_SECRET_KEY, false); return $token; } protected function run_token_bucket() { return TRUE; require_once(ASTRAPATH . 'libraries/Token_bucket.php'); Token_bucket::run(); } } }