{{handshake_scripts | safe}}
Some services are down.
Check them out here!


About ME

My Profile

Hi, I'm Nathan Woodburn and I live in Canberra, Australia.
I've been home schooled all the way to Yr 12.
I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Computer Science.
I create tons of random projects so this site is often behind.
I'm one of the founders of Handshake AU working to increase Handshake adoption in Australia.
I work for Namebase as tech and general support. Namebase is a US based company owned by Namecheap.

I'm currently working on

{{repo | safe}}


  • 3D Printing
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 (CAD Modeling)
  • Programming with various languages
  • DNS, DNSSEC and Trustless SSL
  • Linux Servers and CLI
  • NGINX Web Servers

Some recent projects

{% for project in projects %}

{{ project.name }}

{{ project.description }}

{% if project.actions %} Build Status {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Contact Me

Here are my socials. I'm most active on Discord

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