import json from flask import ( Flask, make_response, redirect, request, jsonify, render_template, send_from_directory, send_file, ) from flask_cors import CORS import os import dotenv import requests from cloudflare import Cloudflare import datetime import qrcode import re import binascii import base64 from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter from functools import cache from solders.keypair import Keypair from solders.pubkey import Pubkey from solana.rpc.api import Client from solders.system_program import TransferParams, transfer from solana.transaction import Transaction from solders.hash import Hash from solders.message import MessageV0 from solders.transaction import VersionedTransaction from solders.null_signer import NullSigner from PIL import Image from mail import sendEmail import now app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) dotenv.load_dotenv() handshake_scripts = '<script src="https://nathan.woodburn/handshake.js" domain="nathan.woodburn" async></script><script src="https://nathan.woodburn/https.js" async></script>' restricted = ["ascii"] redirects = { "contact":"/#contact" } downloads = { "pgp": "data/nathanwoodburn.asc" } sites = [] if os.path.isfile("data/sites.json"): with open("data/sites.json") as file: sites = json.load(file) # Remove any sites that are not enabled sites = [ site for site in sites if "enabled" not in site or site["enabled"] == True ] projects = [] projectsUpdated = 0 ncConfig = requests.get( "" ) ncConfig = ncConfig.json() @cache def getAddress(coin: str) -> str: address = "" if os.path.isfile(".well-known/wallets/" + coin.upper()): with open(".well-known/wallets/" + coin.upper()) as file: address = return address def find(name, path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if name in files: return os.path.join(root, name) # Assets routes @app.route("/assets/<path:path>") def send_report(path): if path.endswith(".json"): return send_from_directory( "templates/assets", path, mimetype="application/json" ) if os.path.isfile("templates/assets/" + path): return send_from_directory("templates/assets", path) # Custom matching for images pathMap = { "img/hns/w": "img/external/HNS/white", "img/hns/b": "img/external/HNS/black", "img/hns": "img/external/HNS/black", } for key in pathMap: print(path, key) if path.startswith(key): tmpPath = path.replace(key, pathMap[key]) print(tmpPath) if os.path.isfile("templates/assets/" + tmpPath): return send_from_directory("templates/assets", tmpPath) # Try looking in one of the directories filename: str = path.split("/")[-1] if ( filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".jpeg") or filename.endswith(".svg") ): if os.path.isfile("templates/assets/img/" + filename): return send_from_directory("templates/assets/img", filename) if os.path.isfile("templates/assets/img/favicon/" + filename): return send_from_directory("templates/assets/img/favicon", filename) return render_template("404.html"), 404 # region Special routes @app.route("/meet") @app.route("/meeting") @app.route("/appointment") def meet(): return redirect( "", code=302 ) @app.route("/links") def links(): return render_template("link.html") @app.route("/sitemap") @app.route("/sitemap.xml") def sitemap(): # Remove all .html from sitemap with open("templates/sitemap.xml") as file: sitemap = sitemap = sitemap.replace(".html", "") return make_response(sitemap, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}) @app.route("/favicon.png") def faviconPNG(): return send_from_directory("templates/assets/img/favicon", "favicon.png") @app.route("/favicon.svg") def faviconSVG(): return send_from_directory("templates/assets/img/favicon", "favicon.svg") @app.route("/favicon.ico") def faviconICO(): return send_from_directory("templates/assets/img/favicon", "favicon.ico") @app.route("/https.js") @app.route("/handshake.js") @app.route("/redirect.js") def handshake(): # return request.path return send_from_directory("templates/assets/js", request.path.split("/")[-1]) @app.route("/generator/") def removeTrailingSlash(): return render_template(request.path.split("/")[-2] + ".html") @app.route("/.well-known/wallets/<path:path>") def wallet(path): if path[0] == "." and 'proof' not in path: return send_from_directory( ".well-known/wallets", path, mimetype="application/json" ) elif os.path.isfile(".well-known/wallets/" + path): address = "" with open(".well-known/wallets/" + path) as file: address = address = address.strip() return make_response(address, 200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}) if os.path.isfile(".well-known/wallets/" + path.upper()): return redirect("/.well-known/wallets/" + path.upper(), code=302) return render_template("404.html"), 404 @app.route("/.well-known/nostr.json") def nostr(): # Get name parameter name = request.args.get("name") if name: return jsonify( { "names": { name: "b57b6a06fdf0a4095eba69eee26e2bf6fa72bd1ce6cbe9a6f72a7021c7acaa82" } } ) return jsonify( { "names": { "nathan": "b57b6a06fdf0a4095eba69eee26e2bf6fa72bd1ce6cbe9a6f72a7021c7acaa82", "_": "b57b6a06fdf0a4095eba69eee26e2bf6fa72bd1ce6cbe9a6f72a7021c7acaa82", } } ) @app.route("/.well-known/xrp-ledger.toml") def xrpLedger(): # Create a response with the xrp-ledger.toml file with open(".well-known/xrp-ledger.toml") as file: toml = response = make_response(toml, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/toml"}) # Set cors headers response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" return response @app.route("/manifest.json") def manifest(): host = # Read as json with open("pwa/manifest.json") as file: manifest = json.load(file) url = f"https://{host}" if host == "localhost:5000" or host == "": url = "" manifest["start_url"] = url manifest["scope"] = url return jsonify(manifest) @app.route("/sw.js") def pw(): return send_from_directory("pwa", "sw.js") # region Sol Links @app.route("/actions.json") def actionsJson(): return jsonify( {"rules": [{"pathPattern": "/donate**", "apiPath": "/api/donate**"}]} ) @app.route("/api/donate", methods=["GET", "OPTIONS"]) def donateAPI(): data = { "icon": "", "label": "Donate to Nathan.Woodburn/", "title": "Donate to Nathan.Woodburn/", "description": "Student, developer, and crypto enthusiast", "links": { "actions": [ {"label": "0.01 SOL", "href": "/api/donate/0.01"}, {"label": "0.1 SOL", "href": "/api/donate/0.1"}, {"label": "1 SOL", "href": "/api/donate/1"}, { "href": "/api/donate/{amount}", "label": "Donate", "parameters": [ {"name": "amount", "label": "Enter a custom SOL amount"} ], }, ] }, } headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Action-Version": "2.4.2", "X-Blockchain-Ids": "solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp" } response = make_response(jsonify(data), 200, headers) if request.method == "OPTIONS": response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = ( "Content-Type,Authorization,Content-Encoding,Accept-Encoding,X-Action-Version,X-Blockchain-Ids" ) return response @app.route("/api/donate/<amount>") def donateAmount(amount): data = { "icon": "", "label": f"Donate {amount} SOL to Nathan.Woodburn/", "title": "Donate to Nathan.Woodburn/", "description": f"Donate {amount} SOL to Nathan.Woodburn/", } return jsonify(data) @app.route("/api/donate/<amount>", methods=["POST"]) def donateAmountPost(amount): if not request.json: return jsonify({"message": "Error: No JSON data provided"}) if "account" not in request.json: return jsonify({"message": "Error: No account provided"}) sender = request.json["account"] headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Action-Version": "2.4.2", "X-Blockchain-Ids": "solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp" } # Make sure amount is a number try: amount = float(amount) except: return jsonify({"message": "Error: Invalid amount"}), 400, headers if amount < 0.0001: return jsonify({"message": "Error: Amount too small"}), 400, headers # Create transaction sender = Pubkey.from_string(sender) receiver = Pubkey.from_string("AJsPEEe6S7XSiVcdZKbeV8GRp1QuhFUsG8mLrqL4XgiU") transfer_ix = transfer( TransferParams( from_pubkey=sender, to_pubkey=receiver, lamports=int(amount * 1000000000) ) ) solana_client = Client("") blockhashData = solana_client.get_latest_blockhash() blockhash = blockhashData.value.blockhash msg = MessageV0.try_compile( payer=sender, instructions=[transfer_ix], address_lookup_table_accounts=[], recent_blockhash=blockhash, ) tx = VersionedTransaction(message=msg, keypairs=[NullSigner(sender)]) tx = bytes(tx).hex() raw_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(tx) base64_string = base64.b64encode(raw_bytes).decode("utf-8") return jsonify({"message": "Success", "transaction": base64_string}), 200, headers # endregion #region Other API routes @app.route("/api/time") def time(): timezone_offset = datetime.timedelta(hours=ncConfig["time-zone"]) timezone = datetime.timezone(offset=timezone_offset) time = return jsonify({ "timestring": time.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p"), "timestamp": time.timestamp(), "timezone": ncConfig["time-zone"], "timeISO": time.isoformat() }) @app.route("/api/timezone") def timezone(): return jsonify({"timezone": ncConfig["time-zone"]}) @app.route("/api/timezone", methods=["POST"]) def timezonePost(): # Refresh config global ncConfig conf = requests.get("") if conf.status_code != 200: return jsonify({"message": "Error: Could not get timezone"}) if not conf.json(): return jsonify({"message": "Error: Could not get timezone"}) conf = conf.json() if "time-zone" not in conf: return jsonify({"message": "Error: Could not get timezone"}) ncConfig = conf return jsonify({"message": "Successfully pulled latest timezone", "timezone": ncConfig["time-zone"]}) @app.route("/api/message") def nc(): return jsonify({"message": ncConfig["message"]}) @app.route("/api/ip") def ip(): return jsonify({"ip": request.remote_addr}) @app.route("/api/email", methods=["POST"]) def email(): # Verify json if not request.is_json: return jsonify({ "status": 400, "error": "Bad request JSON Data missing" }) # Check if api key sent data = request.json if "key" not in data: return jsonify({ "status": 401, "error": "Unauthorized 'key' missing" }) if data["key"] != os.getenv("EMAIL_KEY"): return jsonify({ "status": 401, "error": "Unauthorized 'key' invalid" }) return sendEmail(data) @app.route("/api/v1/project") def getCurrentProject(): try: git = requests.get( "", headers={"Authorization": os.getenv("git_token")}, ) git = git.json() git = git[0] repo_name = git["repo"]["name"] repo_name = repo_name.lower() repo_description = git["repo"]["description"] except: repo_name = "" repo_description = "Personal website" git = { "repo": { "html_url": "", "name": "", "description": "Personal website", } } print("Error getting git data") return jsonify({ "repo_name": repo_name, "repo_description": repo_description, "git": git, }) #endregion # endregion # region Main routes @app.route("/") def index(): global handshake_scripts global projects global projectsUpdated # Check if host if if "" in return render_template("podcast.html") loaded = False if request.referrer: # Check if referrer includes if "" in request.referrer: loaded = True # Check if crawler if request.headers and request.headers.get("User-Agent"): # Check if curl if "curl" in request.headers.get("User-Agent"): return jsonify( { "message": "Welcome to Nathan.Woodburn/! This is a personal website. For more information, visit", "ip": request.remote_addr, "dev": handshake_scripts == "", } ) if "Googlebot" not in request.headers.get( "User-Agent" ) and "Bingbot" not in request.headers.get("User-Agent"): # Check if cookie is set if not request.cookies.get("loaded") and not loaded: # Set cookie resp = make_response( render_template("loading.html").replace( "", "" ), 200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}, ) resp.set_cookie("loaded", "true", max_age=604800) return resp try: git = requests.get( "", headers={"Authorization": os.getenv("git_token")}, ) git = git.json() git = git[0] repo_name = git["repo"]["name"] repo_name = repo_name.lower() repo_description = git["repo"]["description"] except: repo_name = "" repo_description = "Personal website" git = { "repo": { "html_url": "", "name": "", "description": "Personal website", } } print("Error getting git data") # Get only repo names for the newest updates if projects == [] or projectsUpdated < - datetime.timedelta( hours=2 ): projectsreq = requests.get( "" ) projects = projectsreq.json() # Check for next page pageNum = 1 while 'rel="next"' in projectsreq.headers["link"]: projectsreq = requests.get( "" + str(pageNum) ) projects += projectsreq.json() pageNum += 1 for project in projects: if ( project["avatar_url"] == "" or project["avatar_url"] == "" ): project["avatar_url"] = "/favicon.png" project["name"] = project["name"].replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ") # Sort by last updated projectsList = sorted(projects, key=lambda x: x["updated_at"], reverse=True) projects = [] projectNames = [] projectNum = 0 while len(projects) < 3: if projectsList[projectNum]["name"] not in projectNames: projects.append(projectsList[projectNum]) projectNames.append(projectsList[projectNum]["name"]) projectNum += 1 projectsUpdated = custom = "" # Check for downtime uptime = requests.get("") uptime = uptime.content.count(b"Up") > 1 if uptime: custom += "<style>#downtime{display:none !important;}</style>" else: custom += "<style>#downtime{opacity:1;}</style>" # Special names if repo_name == "": repo_name = "Nathan.Woodburn/" html_url = git["repo"]["html_url"] repo = '<a href="' + html_url + '" target="_blank">' + repo_name + "</a>" # If localhost, don't load handshake if ( == "localhost:5000" or == "" or os.getenv("dev") == "true" or == "" ): handshake_scripts = "" # Get time timezone_offset = datetime.timedelta(hours=ncConfig["time-zone"]) timezone = datetime.timezone(offset=timezone_offset) time = time = time.strftime("%B %d") time += """ <span id=\"time\"></span> <script> function startClock(timezoneOffset) { function updateClock() { const now = new Date(); const localTime = new Date(now.getTime() + timezoneOffset * 3600 * 1000); const tzName = timezoneOffset >= 0 ? `UTC+${timezoneOffset}` : `UTC`; const hours = String(localTime.getUTCHours()).padStart(2, '0'); const minutes = String(localTime.getUTCMinutes()).padStart(2, '0'); const seconds = String(localTime.getUTCSeconds()).padStart(2, '0'); const timeString = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds} ${tzName}`; document.getElementById('time').textContent = timeString; } updateClock(); setInterval(updateClock, 1000); } """ time += f"startClock({ncConfig['time-zone']});" time += "</script>" HNSaddress = getAddress("HNS") SOLaddress = getAddress("SOL") BTCaddress = getAddress("BTC") ETHaddress = getAddress("ETH") # Set cookie resp = make_response( render_template( "index.html", handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, HNS=HNSaddress, SOL=SOLaddress, BTC=BTCaddress, ETH=ETHaddress, repo=repo, repo_description=repo_description, custom=custom, sites=sites, projects=projects, time=time, message=ncConfig["message"], ), 200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}, ) resp.set_cookie("loaded", "true", max_age=604800) return resp # region Now Pages @app.route("/now") @app.route("/now/") def now_page(): global handshake_scripts # If localhost, don't load handshake if ( == "localhost:5000" or == "" or os.getenv("dev") == "true" or == "" ): handshake_scripts = "" return now.render_latest_now(handshake_scripts) @app.route("/now/<path:path>") def now_path(path): global handshake_scripts # If localhost, don't load handshake if ( == "localhost:5000" or == "" or os.getenv("dev") == "true" or == "" ): handshake_scripts = "" return now.render_now_page(path,handshake_scripts) @app.route("/old") @app.route("/old/") @app.route("/now/old") @app.route("/now/old/") def now_old(): global handshake_scripts # If localhost, don't load handshake if ( == "localhost:5000" or == "" or os.getenv("dev") == "true" or == "" ): handshake_scripts = "" now_dates = now.list_now_dates()[1:] html = '<ul class="list-group">' html += f'<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/now"><li class="list-group-item" style="background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;">{now.get_latest_now_date(True)}</li></a>' for date in now_dates: link = date date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%y_%m_%d") date = date.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") html += f'<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/now/{link}"><li class="list-group-item" style="background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;">{date}</li></a>' html += "</ul>" return render_template( "now/old.html", handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, now_pages=html ) @app.route("/now.rss") @app.route("/now.xml") @app.route("/rss.xml") def now_rss(): host = "https://" + if ":" in host = "http://" + # Generate RSS feed now_pages = now.list_now_page_files() rss = f'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""><channel><title>Nathan.Woodburn/</title><link>{host}</link><description>See what I\'ve been up to</description><language>en-us</language><lastBuildDate>{"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")}</lastBuildDate><atom:link href="{host}/now.rss" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />' for page in now_pages: link = page.strip(".html") date = datetime.datetime.strptime(link, "%y_%m_%d") date = date.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") rss += f'<item><title>What\'s Happening {date}</title><link>{host}/now/{link}</link><description>Latest updates for {date}</description><guid>{host}/now/{link}</guid></item>' rss += "</channel></rss>" return make_response(rss, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/rss+xml"}) @app.route("/now.json") def now_json(): now_pages = now.list_now_page_files() host = "https://" + if ":" in host = "http://" + now_pages = [{"url":host+"/now/"+page.strip(".html"), "date":datetime.datetime.strptime(page.strip(".html"), "%y_%m_%d").strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y"), "title":"What's Happening "+datetime.datetime.strptime(page.strip(".html"), "%y_%m_%d").strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")} for page in now_pages] return jsonify(now_pages) # endregion # region Donate @app.route("/donate") def donate(): global handshake_scripts # If localhost, don't load handshake if ( == "localhost:5000" or == "" or os.getenv("dev") == "true" or == "" ): handshake_scripts = "" coinList = os.listdir(".well-known/wallets") coinList = [file for file in coinList if file[0] != "."] coinList.sort() tokenList = [] with open(".well-known/wallets/.tokens") as file: tokenList = tokenList = json.loads(tokenList) coinNames = {} with open(".well-known/wallets/.coins") as file: coinNames = coinNames = json.loads(coinNames) coins = "" default_coins = ["btc", "eth", "hns", "sol", "xrp", "ada", "dot"] for file in coinList: if file in coinNames: coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="{"display:none;" if file.lower() not in default_coins else ""}" href="?c={file.lower()}">{coinNames[file]}</a>' else: coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="{"display:none;" if file.lower() not in default_coins else ""}" href="?c={file.lower()}">{file}</a>' for token in tokenList: if token["chain"] != "null": coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="display:none;" href="?t={token["symbol"].lower()}&c={token["chain"].lower()}">{token["name"]} ({token["symbol"] + " on " if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""}{token["chain"]})</a>' else: coins += f'<a class="dropdown-item" style="display:none;" href="?t={token["symbol"].lower()}&c={token["chain"].lower()}">{token["name"]} ({token["symbol"] if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""})</a>' crypto = request.args.get("c") if not crypto: instructions = ( "<br>Donate with cryptocurrency:<br>Select a coin from the dropdown above." ) return render_template( "donate.html", handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, coins=coins, default_coins=default_coins, crypto=instructions, ) crypto = crypto.upper() token = request.args.get("t") if token: token = token.upper() for t in tokenList: if t["symbol"].upper() == token and t["chain"].upper() == crypto: token = t break if not isinstance(token, dict): token = {"name": "Unknown token", "symbol": token, "chain": crypto} address = "" domain = "" cryptoHTML = "" proof = "" if os.path.isfile(f".well-known/wallets/.{crypto}.proof"): proof = f'<a href="/.well-known/wallets/.{crypto}.proof" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/proof.png" alt="Proof of ownership" style="width: 100%; max-width: 30px; margin-left: 10px;"></a>' if os.path.isfile(f".well-known/wallets/{crypto}"): with open(f".well-known/wallets/{crypto}") as file: address = if not token: cryptoHTML += f"<br>Donate with {coinNames[crypto] if crypto in coinNames else crypto}:" else: cryptoHTML += f'<br>Donate with {token["name"]} {"("+token["symbol"]+") " if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""}on {crypto}:' cryptoHTML += f'<br><code data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bss-tooltip="" id="crypto-address" class="address" style="color: rgb(242,90,5);display: inline-block;" data-bs-original-title="Click to copy">{address}</code>' if proof: cryptoHTML += proof elif token: if "address" in token: address = token["address"] cryptoHTML += f'<br>Donate with {token["name"]} {"("+token["symbol"]+")" if token["symbol"] != token["name"] else ""}{" on "+crypto if crypto != "NULL" else ""}:' cryptoHTML += f'<br><code data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bss-tooltip="" id="crypto-address" class="address" style="color: rgb(242,90,5);display: inline-block;" data-bs-original-title="Click to copy">{address}</code>' if proof: cryptoHTML += proof else: cryptoHTML += f'<br>Invalid offchain token: {token["symbol"]}<br>' else: cryptoHTML += f"<br>Invalid chain: {crypto}<br>" if os.path.isfile(f".well-known/wallets/.domains"): # Get json of all domains with open(f".well-known/wallets/.domains") as file: domains = domains = json.loads(domains) if crypto in domains: domain = domains[crypto] cryptoHTML += "<br>Or send to this domain on compatible wallets:<br>" cryptoHTML += f'<code data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bss-tooltip="" id="crypto-domain" class="address" style="color: rgb(242,90,5);display: block;" data-bs-original-title="Click to copy">{domain}</code>' if address: cryptoHTML += ( '<br><img src="/address/' + address + '" alt="QR Code" style="width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin: 20px auto;">' ) copyScript = '<script>document.getElementById("crypto-address").addEventListener("click", function() {navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.innerText);this.setAttribute("data-bs-original-title", "Copied!");const tooltips = document.querySelectorAll(".tooltip-inner");tooltips.forEach(tooltip => {tooltip.innerText = "Copied!";});});document.getElementById("crypto-domain").addEventListener("click", function() {navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.innerText);this.setAttribute("data-bs-original-title", "Copied!");const tooltips = document.querySelectorAll(".tooltip-inner");tooltips.forEach(tooltip => {tooltip.innerText = "Copied!";});});</script>' cryptoHTML += copyScript return render_template( "donate.html", handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, crypto=cryptoHTML, coins=coins, default_coins=default_coins, ) @app.route("/address/<path:address>") def addressQR(address:str): qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data(address) qr.make(fit=True) qr_image = qr.make_image(fill_color="#110033", back_color="white") # Save the QR code image to a temporary file qr_image_path = "/tmp/qr_code.png" # Return the QR code image as a response return send_file(qr_image_path, mimetype="image/png") @app.route("/qrcode/<path:data>") @app.route("/qr/<path:data>") def qr(data:str): qr = qrcode.QRCode(error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H,box_size=10,border=2) qr.add_data(data) qr.make() qr_image:Image.Image = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white").convert('RGB') # Add logo logo ="templates/assets/img/favicon/logo.png") basewidth = qr_image.size[0]//3 wpercent = (basewidth / float(logo.size[0])) hsize = int((float(logo.size[1]) * float(wpercent))) logo = logo.resize((basewidth, hsize),Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) pos = ((qr_image.size[0] - logo.size[0]) // 2, (qr_image.size[1] - logo.size[1]) // 2) qr_image.paste(logo, pos, mask=logo)"/tmp/qr_code.png") return send_file("/tmp/qr_code.png", mimetype="image/png") # endregion @app.route("/supersecretpath") def supersecretpath(): ascii_art = "" if os.path.isfile("data/ascii.txt"): with open("data/ascii.txt") as file: ascii_art = converter = Ansi2HTMLConverter() ascii_art_html = converter.convert(ascii_art) return render_template("ascii.html", ascii_art=ascii_art_html) @app.route("/download/<path:path>") def download(path): # Check if file exists if path in downloads: path = downloads[path] if os.path.isfile(path): return send_file(path) return render_template("404.html"), 404 @app.route("/.well-known/<path:path>") def wellknown(path): return send_from_directory(".well-known", path) @app.route("/<path:path>") def catch_all(path: str): global handshake_scripts # If localhost, don't load handshake if ( == "localhost:5000" or == "" or os.getenv("dev") == "true" or == "" ): handshake_scripts = "" if path.lower().replace(".html", "") in restricted: return render_template("404.html"), 404 if path in redirects: return redirect(redirects[path], code=302) # If file exists, load it if os.path.isfile("templates/" + path): return render_template(path, handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, sites=sites) # Try with .html if os.path.isfile("templates/" + path + ".html"): return render_template( path + ".html", handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, sites=sites ) if os.path.isfile("templates/" + path.strip("/") + ".html"): return render_template( path.strip("/") + ".html", handshake_scripts=handshake_scripts, sites=sites ) # Try to find a file matching if path.count("/") < 1: # Try to find a file matching filename = find(path, "templates") if filename: return send_file(filename) if request.headers: # Check if curl if "curl" in request.headers.get("User-Agent"): return jsonify( { "status": 404, "message": "Page not found", "ip": request.remote_addr, } ), 404 return render_template("404.html"), 404 # endregion # region ACME @app.route("/hnsdoh-acme", methods=["POST"]) def hnsdoh_acme(): print(f"ACME request from {request.remote_addr}") # Get the TXT record from the request if not request.json: print("No JSON data provided for ACME") return jsonify({"status": "error", "error": "No JSON data provided"}) if "txt" not in request.json or "auth" not in request.json: print("Missing required data for ACME") return jsonify({"status": "error", "error": "Missing required data"}) txt = request.json["txt"] auth = request.json["auth"] if auth != os.getenv("CF_AUTH"): print("Invalid auth for ACME") return jsonify({"status": "error", "error": "Invalid auth"}) cf = Cloudflare(api_token=os.getenv("CF_TOKEN")) zone = cf.zones.list(name="").to_dict() zone_id = zone["result"][0]["id"] existing_records = cf.dns.records.list( zone_id=zone_id, type="TXT", name="" ).to_dict() record_id = existing_records["result"][0]["id"] cf.dns.records.delete(dns_record_id=record_id, zone_id=zone_id) cf.dns.records.create( zone_id=zone_id, type="TXT", name="_acme-challenge", content=txt, ) print(f"ACME request successful: {txt}") return jsonify({"status": "success"}) # endregion # region Podcast @app.route("/ID1") def ID1(): # Proxy to ID1 url req = requests.get("") return make_response( req.content, 200, {"Content-Type": req.headers["Content-Type"]} ) @app.route("/ID1/") def ID1_slash(): # Proxy to ID1 url req = requests.get("") return make_response( req.content, 200, {"Content-Type": req.headers["Content-Type"]} ) @app.route("/ID1/<path:path>") def ID1_path(path): # Proxy to ID1 url req = requests.get("" + path) return make_response( req.content, 200, {"Content-Type": req.headers["Content-Type"]} ) @app.route("/ID1.xml") def ID1_xml(): # Proxy to ID1 url req = requests.get("") return make_response( req.content, 200, {"Content-Type": req.headers["Content-Type"]} ) @app.route("/podsync.opml") def podsync(): req = requests.get("") return make_response( req.content, 200, {"Content-Type": req.headers["Content-Type"]} ) # endregion # region Error Catching # 404 catch all @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(e): if request.headers: # Check if curl if "curl" in request.headers.get("User-Agent"): return jsonify( { "status": 404, "message": "Page not found", "ip": request.remote_addr, } ), 404 return render_template("404.html"), 404 # endregion if __name__ == "__main__":, port=5000, host="")