2025-01-28 16:49:46 +11:00
import json
import account
import requests
import dns . resolver
import dns . message
import dns . query
import dns . rdatatype
import dns . rrset
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography . hazmat . backends import default_backend
import tempfile
import subprocess
import binascii
import datetime
import dns . asyncresolver
import httpx
from requests_doh import DNSOverHTTPSSession , add_dns_provider
import domainLookup
2025-02-01 18:34:59 +11:00
import urllib3
urllib3 . disable_warnings ( urllib3 . exceptions . InsecureRequestWarning ) # Disable insecure request warnings (since we are manually verifying the certificate)
2025-01-28 16:49:46 +11:00
doh_url = " https://hnsdoh.com/dns-query "
# Plugin Data
info = {
" name " : " Troubleshooting " ,
" description " : " Various troubleshooting functions " ,
" version " : " 1.0 " ,
" author " : " Nathan.Woodburn/ "
# Functions
functions = {
" dig " : {
" name " : " DNS Lookup " ,
" type " : " default " ,
" description " : " Do DNS lookups on a domain " ,
" params " : {
" domain " : {
" name " : " Domain to lookup (eg. woodburn) " ,
" type " : " text "
} ,
" type " : {
" name " : " Type of lookup (A,TXT,NS,DS,TLSA) " ,
" type " : " text "
} ,
" returns " : {
" result " :
" name " : " Result " ,
" type " : " list "
} ,
" https_check " : {
" name " : " HTTPS Check " ,
" type " : " default " ,
" description " : " Check if a domain has an HTTPS certificate " ,
" params " : {
" domain " : {
" name " : " Domain to lookup (eg. woodburn) " ,
" type " : " text "
} ,
" returns " : {
" result " :
" name " : " Result " ,
" type " : " text "
} ,
" hip_lookup " : {
" name " : " Hip Lookup " ,
" type " : " default " ,
" description " : " Look up a domain ' s hip address " ,
" params " : {
" domain " : {
" name " : " Domain to lookup " ,
" type " : " text "
} ,
" returns " : {
" result " : {
" name " : " Result " ,
" type " : " text "
def dns_request ( domain : str , rType : str ) - > list [ dns . rrset . RRset ] :
if rType == " " :
rType = " A "
rType = dns . rdatatype . from_text ( rType . upper ( ) )
with httpx . Client ( ) as client :
q = dns . message . make_query ( domain , rType )
r = dns . query . https ( q , doh_url , session = client )
return r . answer
def dig ( params , authentication ) :
domain = params [ " domain " ]
type = params [ " type " ]
result : list [ dns . rrset . RRset ] = dns_request ( domain , type )
print ( result )
if result :
if len ( result ) == 1 :
result : dns . rrset . RRset = result [ 0 ]
result = result . items
return { " result " : result }
else :
return { " result " : result }
else :
return { " result " : [ " No result " ] }
def https_check ( params , authentication ) :
domain = params [ " domain " ]
domain_check = False
try :
# Get the IP
ip = list ( dns_request ( domain , " A " ) [ 0 ] . items . keys ( ) )
if len ( ip ) == 0 :
return { " result " : " No IP found " }
ip = ip [ 0 ]
print ( ip )
# Run the openssl s_client command
s_client_command = [ " openssl " , " s_client " , " -showcerts " , " -connect " , f " { ip } :443 " , " -servername " , domain , ]
s_client_process = subprocess . Popen ( s_client_command , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . PIPE , stdin = subprocess . PIPE )
s_client_output , _ = s_client_process . communicate ( input = b " \n " )
certificates = [ ]
current_cert = " "
for line in s_client_output . split ( b " \n " ) :
current_cert + = line . decode ( " utf-8 " ) + " \n "
if " -----END CERTIFICATE----- " in line . decode ( " utf-8 " ) :
certificates . append ( current_cert )
current_cert = " "
# Remove anything before -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
certificates = [ cert [ cert . find ( " -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- " ) : ] for cert in certificates ]
if certificates :
cert = certificates [ 0 ]
with tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( mode = " w " , delete = False ) as temp_cert_file :
temp_cert_file . write ( cert )
temp_cert_file . seek ( 0 ) # Move back to the beginning of the temporary file
tlsa_command = [ " openssl " , " x509 " , " -in " , temp_cert_file . name , " -pubkey " , " -noout " , " | " , " openssl " , " pkey " , " -pubin " , " -outform " , " der " , " | " , " openssl " , " dgst " , " -sha256 " , " -binary " , ]
tlsa_process = subprocess . Popen ( " " . join ( tlsa_command ) , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE )
tlsa_output , _ = tlsa_process . communicate ( )
tlsa_server = " 3 1 1 " + binascii . hexlify ( tlsa_output ) . decode ( " utf-8 " )
print ( f " TLSA Server: { tlsa_server } " )
# Get domains
cert_obj = x509 . load_pem_x509_certificate ( cert . encode ( " utf-8 " ) , default_backend ( ) )
domains = [ ]
for ext in cert_obj . extensions :
if ext . oid == x509 . ExtensionOID . SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME :
san_list = ext . value . get_values_for_type ( x509 . DNSName )
domains . extend ( san_list )
# Extract the common name (CN) from the subject
common_name = cert_obj . subject . get_attributes_for_oid ( x509 . NameOID . COMMON_NAME )
if common_name :
if common_name [ 0 ] . value not in domains :
domains . append ( common_name [ 0 ] . value )
if domains :
if domain in domains :
domain_check = True
else :
# Check if matching wildcard domain exists
for d in domains :
if d . startswith ( " * " ) :
if domain . split ( " . " ) [ 1 : ] == d . split ( " . " ) [ 1 : ] :
domain_check = True
2025-02-01 18:31:07 +11:00
expiry_date = cert_obj . not_valid_after_utc
2025-01-28 16:49:46 +11:00
# Check if expiry date is past
2025-02-01 18:31:07 +11:00
if expiry_date < datetime . datetime . now ( datetime . timezone . utc ) :
2025-01-28 16:49:46 +11:00
return { " result " : " Certificate is expired " }
else :
return { " result " : " No certificate found " }
try :
# Check for TLSA record
tlsa = dns_request ( f " _443._tcp. { domain } " , " TLSA " )
tlsa = list ( tlsa [ 0 ] . items . keys ( ) )
if len ( tlsa ) == 0 :
return { " result " : " No TLSA record found " }
tlsa = tlsa [ 0 ]
print ( f " TLSA: { tlsa } " )
if not tlsa :
return { " result " : " TLSA lookup failed " }
else :
if tlsa_server == str ( tlsa ) :
if domain_check :
add_dns_provider ( " HNSDoH " , " https://hnsdoh.com/dns-query " )
session = DNSOverHTTPSSession ( " HNSDoH " )
r = session . get ( f " https:// { domain } / " , verify = False )
if r . status_code != 200 :
return { " result " : " Webserver returned status code: " + str ( r . status_code ) }
return { " result " : " HTTPS check successful " }
else :
return { " result " : " TLSA record matches certificate, but domain does not match certificate " }
else :
return { " result " : " TLSA record does not match certificate " }
except Exception as e :
return { " result " : " TLSA lookup failed with error: " + str ( e ) }
# Catch all exceptions
except Exception as e :
return { " result " : " Lookup failed.<br><br>Error: " + str ( e ) }
def hip_lookup ( params , authentication ) :
domain = params [ " domain " ]
hip = domainLookup . hip2 ( domain )
return { " result " : hip }