# FireWalletLite A lite wallet for Handshake. This is aimed to be mainly used for holding HNS and domains without sending anything. For example if you want to gift a domain to someone, you can have them use this wallet to store the wallet. You will still need to renew the domains at least every 2 years. ## Features First run flow: - Create a default wallet (`Primary`) - Show Seed phrase and ask user to write it down - Require user to encrypt wallet with a password - Login with password and show main page Login only requires password as this wallet is made to only use the `primary` wallet. This wallet supports - Displaying balance - Domain list and expiration date - Renew expiring domains button - Displaying receiving address - Sending HNS - Sign message This wallet does not (and will never) support - Creating new wallets - Auctions (bidding, revealing, etc) - Multisig wallets - Hardware wallets - DNS management If you want to use a wallet with more features, please use [Fire Wallet](https://firewallet.au) or [Bob Wallet](https://bobwallet.io) instead. ## Install FireWalletLite is available for Windows only. You can download the latest prebuilt release from [here](https://git.woodburn.au/nathanwoodburn/FireWalletLite/releases). You should download the `FireWalletLite.zip` file and extract it to a folder then run the `setup.exe` file as this file will install the .net runtime if it is not already installed. **You can also build it yourself by cloning this repo and building it in Visual Studio.**