using FireWallet; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace FireWalletLite; public partial class SendForm : Form { private readonly int fee = 1; private readonly MainForm main; private readonly decimal unlockedbalance; public SendForm(decimal Unlockedbalance, MainForm main) { InitializeComponent(); this.main = main; unlockedbalance = Unlockedbalance; // Theme form BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(main.Theme["background"]); ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(main.Theme["foreground"]); foreach (Control control in Controls) main.ThemeControl(control); labelMax.Text = "Max: " + (unlockedbalance - fee) + " HNS"; if (unlockedbalance < fee) labelMax.Text = "Max: 0 HNS"; //buttonSend.Enabled = false; // Allign controls labelAddress.Left = (ClientSize.Width - labelAddress.Width) / 2; labelAmount.Left = (ClientSize.Width - labelAmount.Width) / 2; textBoxAddress.Left = (ClientSize.Width - textBoxAddress.Width) / 2; labelMax.Left = (ClientSize.Width - labelMax.Width) / 2; textBoxAmount.Left = (ClientSize.Width - textBoxAmount.Width - labelHNSToken.Width - 10) / 2; labelHNSToken.Left = textBoxAmount.Left + textBoxAmount.Width + 10; buttonSend.Left = (ClientSize.Width - buttonSend.Width) / 2; } private async void buttonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { buttonSend.Enabled = false; var address = textBoxAddress.Text; if (textBoxAddress.Text.Substring(0, 1) == "@") { // HIP-02 not supported yet var notify = new NotifyForm("HIP-02 not supported yet"); notify.ShowDialog(); notify.Dispose(); buttonSend.Enabled = true; return; } var valid = await main.ValidAddress(address); if (!valid) { var notify = new NotifyForm("Invalid address"); notify.ShowDialog(); notify.Dispose(); buttonSend.Enabled = true; return; } decimal amount = 0; if (!decimal.TryParse(textBoxAmount.Text, out amount)) { var notify = new NotifyForm("Invalid amount"); notify.ShowDialog(); notify.Dispose(); return; } if (amount > unlockedbalance - fee) { var notify = new NotifyForm("Insufficient balance"); notify.ShowDialog(); notify.Dispose(); return; } var content = "{\"method\": \"sendtoaddress\",\"params\": [ \"" + address + "\", " + amount + "]}"; var output = await main.APIPost("", true, content); var APIresp = JObject.Parse(output); if (APIresp["error"].ToString() != "") { main.AddLog("Failed:"); main.AddLog(APIresp.ToString()); var error = JObject.Parse(APIresp["error"].ToString()); var ErrorMessage = error["message"].ToString(); var notify = new NotifyForm("Error Transaction Failed\n" + ErrorMessage); notify.ShowDialog(); notify.Dispose(); return; } var hash = APIresp["result"].ToString(); var link = main.TXExplorer + hash; var notifySuccess = new NotifyForm("Transaction Sent\nThis transaction could take up to 20 minutes to mine", "Explorer", link); notifySuccess.ShowDialog(); notifySuccess.Dispose(); Close(); } }