using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Windows.Forms; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Point = System.Drawing.Point; using Size = System.Drawing.Size; using IronBarCode; using static System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats; namespace FireWallet { public partial class MainForm : Form { #region Variables string dir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\FireWallet\\"; Dictionary nodeSettings; Dictionary userSettings; Dictionary theme; int Network; string account; string password; decimal balance; decimal balanceLocked; int screen; // 0 = login, 1 = portfolio int height; double syncProgress; int pendingTransactions; #endregion #region Application public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateTheme(); LoadNode(); LoadSettings(); // Edit the theme of the navigation panel panelNav.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background-alt"]); panelNav.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground-alt"]); foreach (Control c in panelNav.Controls) { c.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); c.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); } panelNav.Dock = DockStyle.Left; ResizeForm(); panelNav.Visible = false; screen = 0; // Prompt for login GetAccounts(); AddLog("Loaded"); } private void MainForm_Closing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { AddLog("Closing"); } #endregion #region Settings private void LoadNode() { if (!File.Exists(dir + "node.txt")) { NodeForm cf = new NodeForm(); cf.ShowDialog(); // Initial run } if (!File.Exists(dir + "node.txt")) { AddLog("Node setup failed"); this.Close(); return; } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dir + "node.txt"); nodeSettings = new Dictionary(); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] split = line.Split(':'); nodeSettings.Add(split[0].Trim(), split[1].Trim()); } sr.Dispose(); if (!nodeSettings.ContainsKey("Network") || !nodeSettings.ContainsKey("Key") || !nodeSettings.ContainsKey("IP")) { AddLog("Node Settings file is missing key"); this.Close(); return; } Network = Convert.ToInt32(nodeSettings["Network"]); switch (Network) { case 0: toolStripStatusLabelNetwork.Text = "Network: Mainnet"; break; case 1: toolStripStatusLabelNetwork.Text = "Network: Regtest"; break; case 2: toolStripStatusLabelNetwork.Text = "Network: Testnet"; break; } NodeStatus(); } private void LoadSettings() { if (!File.Exists(dir + "settings.txt")) { AddLog("Creating settings file"); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(dir + "settings.txt"); sw.WriteLine("explorer-tx:"); sw.WriteLine("explorer-addr:"); sw.WriteLine("explorer-block:"); sw.WriteLine("explorer-domain:"); sw.WriteLine("confirmations: 1"); sw.Dispose(); } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dir + "settings.txt"); userSettings = new Dictionary(); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); userSettings.Add(line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(":")).Trim(), line.Substring(line.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim()); } sr.Dispose(); } #endregion #region Logging public void AddLog(string message) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(dir + "log.txt", true); sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + message); sw.Dispose(); } #endregion #region Theming private void UpdateTheme() { // Check if file exists if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { CreateConfig(dir); } if (!File.Exists(dir + "theme.txt")) { CreateConfig(dir); } // Read file StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dir + "theme.txt"); theme = new Dictionary(); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] split = line.Split(':'); theme.Add(split[0].Trim(), split[1].Trim()); } sr.Dispose(); if (!theme.ContainsKey("background") || !theme.ContainsKey("background-alt") || !theme.ContainsKey("foreground") || !theme.ContainsKey("foreground-alt")) { AddLog("Theme file is missing key"); return; } // Apply theme this.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); // Foreground this.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); // Need to specify this for each groupbox to override the black text foreach (Control c in Controls) { ThemeControl(c); } this.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 5 * 3; this.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 5 * 3; applyTransparency(theme); } private void ThemeControl(Control c) { if (c.GetType() == typeof(GroupBox) || c.GetType() == typeof(Panel)) { c.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); foreach (Control sub in c.Controls) { ThemeControl(sub); } } if (c.GetType() == typeof(TextBox) || c.GetType() == typeof(Button) || c.GetType() == typeof(ComboBox) || c.GetType() == typeof(StatusStrip) || c.GetType() == typeof(ToolStrip)) { c.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground-alt"]); c.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background-alt"]); } if (c.GetType() == typeof(Panel)) c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; } private void applyTransparency(Dictionary theme) { if (theme.ContainsKey("transparent-mode")) { switch (theme["transparent-mode"]) { case "mica": var accent = new AccentPolicy { AccentState = AccentState.ACCENT_ENABLE_BLURBEHIND }; var accentStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(accent); var accentPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(accentStructSize); Marshal.StructureToPtr(accent, accentPtr, false); var data = new WindowCompositionAttributeData { Attribute = WindowCompositionAttribute.WCA_ACCENT_POLICY, SizeOfData = accentStructSize, Data = accentPtr }; User32.SetWindowCompositionAttribute(Handle, ref data); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(accentPtr); break; case "key": if (theme.ContainsKey("transparency-key")) { switch (theme["transparency-key"]) { case "alt": this.TransparencyKey = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background-alt"]); break; case "main": this.TransparencyKey = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); break; default: this.TransparencyKey = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["transparency-key"]); break; } } else { AddLog("No transparency-key found in theme file"); } break; case "percent": if (theme.ContainsKey("transparency-percent")) { Opacity = Convert.ToDouble(theme["transparency-percent"]) / 100; } else { AddLog("No transparency-percent found in theme file"); } break; } } } private void CreateConfig(string dir) { if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(dir + "theme.txt"); sw.WriteLine("background: #000000"); sw.WriteLine("foreground: #8e05c2"); sw.WriteLine("background-alt: #3e065f"); sw.WriteLine("foreground-alt: #ffffff"); sw.WriteLine("transparent-mode: off"); sw.WriteLine("transparency-key: main"); sw.WriteLine("transparency-percent: 90"); sw.WriteLine("selected-bg: #000000"); sw.WriteLine("selected-fg: #ffffff"); sw.WriteLine("error: #ff0000"); sw.Dispose(); AddLog("Created theme file"); } // Required for mica effect internal enum AccentState { ACCENT_DISABLED = 0, ACCENT_ENABLE_GRADIENT = 1, ACCENT_ENABLE_TRANSPARENTGRADIENT = 2, ACCENT_ENABLE_BLURBEHIND = 3, ACCENT_INVALID_STATE = 4 } internal enum WindowCompositionAttribute { WCA_ACCENT_POLICY = 19 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct AccentPolicy { public AccentState AccentState; public int AccentFlags; public int GradientColor; public int AnimationId; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct WindowCompositionAttributeData { public WindowCompositionAttribute Attribute; public IntPtr Data; public int SizeOfData; } internal static class User32 { [DllImport("user32.dll")] internal static extern int SetWindowCompositionAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, ref WindowCompositionAttributeData data); } private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResizeForm(); } private void ResizeForm() { groupBoxaccount.Left = (this.ClientSize.Width - groupBoxaccount.Width) / 2; groupBoxaccount.Top = (this.ClientSize.Height - groupBoxaccount.Height) / 2; } #endregion #region Accounts private async void GetAccounts() { string APIresponse = await APIGet("wallet", true); comboBoxaccount.Items.Clear(); if (APIresponse != "Error") { JArray jArray = JArray.Parse(APIresponse); foreach (string account in jArray) { comboBoxaccount.Items.Add(account); } if (comboBoxaccount.Items.Count > 0) { comboBoxaccount.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { comboBoxaccount.Items.Add("No accounts found"); comboBoxaccount.Enabled = false; } } else { comboBoxaccount.Items.Add("No accounts found"); comboBoxaccount.Enabled = false; } textBoxaccountpassword.Focus(); } private async Task Login() { string path = "wallet/" + account + "/unlock"; string content = "{\"passphrase\": \"" + password + "\",\"timeout\": 60}"; string APIresponse = await APIPost(path, true, content); if (!APIresponse.Contains("true")) { AddLog("Login failed"); NotifyForm notifyForm = new NotifyForm("Login Failed\nMake sure your password is correct"); notifyForm.ShowDialog(); notifyForm.Dispose(); return false; } path = ""; content = "{\"method\": \"selectwallet\",\"params\":[ \"" + account + "\"]}"; APIresponse = await APIPost(path, true, content); if (!APIresponse.Contains("\"error\":null")) { AddLog("Wallet selection failed"); NotifyForm notifyForm = new NotifyForm("Wallet selection failed\n" + APIresponse); notifyForm.ShowDialog(); notifyForm.Dispose(); return false; } UpdateBalance(); return true; } private async void LoginClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { account = comboBoxaccount.Text; password = textBoxaccountpassword.Text; bool loggedin = await Login(); if (loggedin) { toolStripStatusLabelaccount.Text = "Account: " + account; textBoxaccountpassword.Text = ""; panelaccount.Visible = false; toolStripSplitButtonlogout.Visible = true; panelNav.Visible = true; screen = 1; buttonNavPortfolio.PerformClick(); } } private void PasswordEntered(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyValue == 13) { LoginClick(sender, e); } } private void AccountChoose(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBoxaccountpassword.Focus(); } private async void Logout(object sender, EventArgs e) { toolStripSplitButtonlogout.Visible = false; string path = "wallet/" + account + "/lock"; string content = ""; string APIresponse = await APIPost(path, true, content); if (!APIresponse.Contains("true")) { AddLog("Logout failed"); NotifyForm notifyForm = new NotifyForm("Logout Failed\n" + APIresponse); notifyForm.ShowDialog(); notifyForm.Dispose(); panelaccount.Visible = true; return; } panelaccount.Visible = true; panelNav.Visible = false; panelSend.Visible = false; panelRecieve.Visible = false; panelDomains.Visible = false; panelPortfolio.Visible = false; toolStripStatusLabelaccount.Text = "Account: Not Logged In"; screen = 0; textBoxaccountpassword.Focus(); } #endregion #region API HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); private async void NodeStatus() { if (await APIGet("", false) == "Error") { toolStripStatusLabelstatus.Text = "Status: Node Not Connected"; } else { toolStripStatusLabelstatus.Text = "Status: Node Connected"; } } private async Task UpdateBalance() { string response = await APIGet("wallet/" + account + "/balance?account=default", true); if (response == "Error") return; JObject resp = JObject.Parse(response); decimal available = (Convert.ToDecimal(resp["unconfirmed"].ToString()) - Convert.ToDecimal(resp["lockedUnconfirmed"].ToString())) / 1000000; decimal locked = Convert.ToDecimal(resp["lockedUnconfirmed"].ToString()) / 1000000; available = decimal.Round(available, 2); locked = decimal.Round(locked, 2); balance = available; balanceLocked = locked; } /// /// Post to HSD API /// /// Path to post to /// Whether to use port 12039 /// Content to post /// private async Task APIPost(string path, bool wallet, string content) { string key = nodeSettings["Key"]; string ip = nodeSettings["IP"]; string port = "1203"; if (Network == 1) { port = "1303"; } if (wallet) port = port + "9"; else port = port + "7"; HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://" + ip + ":" + port + "/" + path); req.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("x:" + key))); req.Content = new StringContent(content); // Send request HttpResponseMessage resp = await httpClient.SendAsync(req); try { resp.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); } catch (Exception ex) { AddLog("Post Error: " + ex.Message); return "Error"; } return await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } /// /// Get from HSD API /// /// Path to get /// Whether to use port 12039 /// private async Task APIGet(string path, bool wallet) { string key = nodeSettings["Key"]; string ip = nodeSettings["IP"]; string port = "1203"; if (Network == 1) { port = "1303"; } if (wallet) port = port + "9"; else port = port + "7"; try { HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "http://" + ip + ":" + port + "/" + path); // Add API key to header request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("x:" + key))); // Send request and log response HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } // Log errors to log textbox catch (Exception ex) { AddLog("Get Error: " + ex.Message); return "Error"; } } private async Task GetAddress() { string content = "{\"account\":\"default\"}"; string path = "wallet/" + account + "/address"; string APIresponse = await APIPost(path, true, content); if (APIresponse == "Error") { AddLog("GetAddress Error"); return "Error"; } JObject resp = JObject.Parse(APIresponse); return resp["address"].ToString(); } private async void GetTXHistory() { // Get height and progress String APIresponse = await APIGet("", false); JObject resp = JObject.Parse(APIresponse); JObject chain = JObject.Parse(resp["chain"].ToString()); labelHeight.Text = "Height: " + chain["height"].ToString(); decimal progress = Convert.ToDecimal(chain["progress"].ToString()); labelSyncPercent.Text = "Sync: " + decimal.Round(progress * 100, 2) + "%"; // Get Unconfirmed TX string path = "wallet/" + account + "/tx/unconfirmed"; APIresponse = await APIGet(path, true); if (APIresponse == "Error") { AddLog("GetInfo Error"); return; } JArray pendingTxs = JArray.Parse(APIresponse); labelPendingCount.Text = "Unconfirmed TX: " + pendingTxs.Count.ToString(); // Get TX's APIresponse = await APIGet("wallet/" + account + "/tx/history", true); if (APIresponse == "Error") { AddLog("GetInfo Error"); return; } JArray txs = JArray.Parse(APIresponse); int txCount = txs.Count; if (txCount > groupBoxTransactions.Height / 55) txCount = (int)Math.Floor(groupBoxTransactions.Height / 55.0); Control[] tmpControls = new Control[txCount]; for (int i = 0; i < txCount; i++) { // Get last tx JObject tx = JObject.Parse(txs[txs.Count - 1 - i].ToString()); string hash = tx["hash"].ToString(); string date = tx["mdate"].ToString(); Panel tmpPanel = new Panel(); tmpPanel.Width = groupBoxTransactions.Width - 20; tmpPanel.Height = 50; tmpPanel.Location = new Point(10, 20 + (i * 55)); tmpPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; tmpPanel.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background-alt"]); tmpPanel.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground-alt"]); tmpPanel.Controls.Add( new Label() { Text = "Date: " + date, Location = new Point(10, 5) } ); int confirmations = Convert.ToInt32(tx["confirmations"].ToString()); if (userSettings.ContainsKey("confirmations")) { if (confirmations < Convert.ToInt32(userSettings["confirmations"])) { Label txPending = new Label() { Text = "Pending", Location = new Point(100, 5) }; tmpPanel.Controls.Add(txPending); txPending.BringToFront(); } } Label labelHash = new Label() { Text = "Hash: " + hash.Substring(0, 10) + "..." + hash.Substring(hash.Length - 10), AutoSize = true, Location = new Point(10, 25), Font = new Font(this.Font, FontStyle.Underline) }; labelHash.Click += (sender, e) => { string url = userSettings["explorer-tx"] + hash; ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = url, UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(psi); }; tmpPanel.Controls.Add(labelHash); // Count inputs and outputs JArray inputs = JArray.Parse(tx["inputs"].ToString()); JArray outputs = JArray.Parse(tx["outputs"].ToString()); int inputCount = inputs.Count; int outputCount = outputs.Count; Label labelInputOutput = new Label() { Text = "Inputs: " + inputCount + " Outputs: " + outputCount, AutoSize = true, Location = new Point(300, 20) }; tmpPanel.Controls.Add(labelInputOutput); tmpControls[i] = tmpPanel; } groupBoxTransactions.Controls.Clear(); groupBoxTransactions.Controls.AddRange(tmpControls); } private async Task GetFee() { try { string response = await APIGet("fee", false); JObject resp = JObject.Parse(response); decimal fee = Convert.ToDecimal(resp["rate"].ToString()); fee = fee / 1000000; if (fee < 0.0001m) fee = 1; return fee.ToString(); //return resp["rate"].ToString(); } catch { return "1"; } } private async Task ValidAddress(string address) { string output = await APIPost("", false, "{\"method\": \"validateaddress\",\"params\": [ \"" + address + "\" ]}"); JObject APIresp = JObject.Parse(output); JObject result = JObject.Parse(APIresp["result"].ToString()); if (result["isvalid"].ToString() == "True") return true; else return false; } #endregion #region Timers private void timerNodeStatus_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { NodeStatus(); // If logged in, update info if (panelaccount.Visible == false) { GetTXHistory(); } } #endregion #region Nav private async void PortfolioPanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelSend.Hide(); panelPortfolio.Show(); panelRecieve.Hide(); panelDomains.Hide(); buttonNavSend.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavSend.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavReceive.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavReceive.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavDomains.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavDomains.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); await UpdateBalance(); GetTXHistory(); labelBalance.Text = "Available: " + balance.ToString() + " HNS"; labelLocked.Text = "Locked: " + balanceLocked.ToString() + " HNS"; labelBalanceTotal.Text = "Total: " + (balance + balanceLocked).ToString() + " HNS"; if (theme.ContainsKey("selected-bg") && theme.ContainsKey("selected-fg")) { buttonNavPortfolio.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-bg"]); buttonNavPortfolio.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-fg"]); } } private async void SendPanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelPortfolio.Hide(); panelSend.Show(); panelRecieve.Hide(); panelDomains.Hide(); buttonNavPortfolio.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavPortfolio.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavReceive.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavReceive.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavDomains.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavDomains.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); if (theme.ContainsKey("selected-bg") && theme.ContainsKey("selected-fg")) { buttonNavSend.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-bg"]); buttonNavSend.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-fg"]); } if (theme.ContainsKey("error")) { labelSendingError.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["error"]); } labelSendPrompt.Left = (panelSend.Width - labelSendPrompt.Width) / 2; buttonSendHNS.Left = (panelSend.Width - buttonSendHNS.Width) / 2; labelSendingTo.Left = (panelSend.Width - labelSendingTo.Width - textBoxSendingTo.Width) / 2; labelSendingAmount.Left = labelSendingTo.Left; textBoxSendingTo.Left = labelSendingTo.Left + labelSendingTo.Width + 10; textBoxSendingAmount.Left = textBoxSendingTo.Left; labelSendingMax.Left = labelSendingTo.Left; labelSendingError.Left = textBoxSendingTo.Left + textBoxSendingTo.Width + 10; labelSendingFee.Left = labelSendingTo.Left; buttonSendMax.Left = textBoxSendingAmount.Left + textBoxSendingAmount.Width - buttonSendMax.Width; checkBoxSendSubFee.Left = labelSendingTo.Left; labelSendingMax.Text = "Max: " + balance.ToString() + " HNS"; textBoxSendingTo.Focus(); string fee = await GetFee(); labelSendingFee.Text = "Est. Fee: " + fee + " HNS"; labelSendingError.Hide(); } private async void ReceivePanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelSend.Hide(); panelPortfolio.Hide(); panelRecieve.Show(); panelDomains.Hide(); buttonNavSend.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavSend.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavPortfolio.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavPortfolio.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavDomains.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavDomains.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); if (theme.ContainsKey("selected-bg") && theme.ContainsKey("selected-fg")) { buttonNavReceive.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-bg"]); buttonNavReceive.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-fg"]); } labelReceive1.Left = (panelRecieve.Width - labelReceive1.Width) / 2; labelReceive2.Left = (panelRecieve.Width - labelReceive2.Width) / 2; textBoxReceiveAddress.Left = (panelRecieve.Width - textBoxReceiveAddress.Width) / 2; string address = await GetAddress(); textBoxReceiveAddress.Text = address; textBoxReceiveAddress.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(textBoxReceiveAddress.Text, textBoxReceiveAddress.Font); textBoxReceiveAddress.Width = size.Width + 10; textBoxReceiveAddress.Left = (panelRecieve.Width - textBoxReceiveAddress.Width) / 2; GeneratedBarcode Qrcode = QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode(textBoxReceiveAddress.Text); pictureBoxReceiveQR.Image = Qrcode.Image; pictureBoxReceiveQR.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pictureBoxReceiveQR.Width = panelRecieve.Width / 3; pictureBoxReceiveQR.Left = (panelRecieve.Width - pictureBoxReceiveQR.Width) / 2; } private void buttonNavDomains_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelSend.Hide(); panelPortfolio.Hide(); panelRecieve.Hide(); panelDomains.Show(); buttonNavSend.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavSend.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavPortfolio.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavPortfolio.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); buttonNavReceive.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["background"]); buttonNavReceive.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["foreground"]); if (theme.ContainsKey("selected-bg") && theme.ContainsKey("selected-fg")) { buttonNavDomains.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-bg"]); buttonNavDomains.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(theme["selected-fg"]); } textBoxDomainSearch.Focus(); } #endregion #region Send private async void textBoxSendingTo_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxSendingTo.Text == "") return; if (textBoxSendingTo.Text.Substring(0, 1) == "@") { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = "HIP-02 Not supported yet"; return; /* string domain = textBoxSendingTo.Text.Substring(1); try { string address = ""; bool valid = await ValidAddress(address); if (valid) { labelSendingError.Hide(); labelSendingError.Text = ""; } else { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = "Invalid Address"; } } catch (Exception ex) { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = ex.Message; }*/ } else { try { bool valid = await ValidAddress(textBoxSendingTo.Text); if (valid) { labelSendingError.Hide(); labelSendingError.Text = ""; } else { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = "Invalid Address"; } } catch (Exception ex) { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = ex.Message; } } } private void textBoxSendingAmount_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal amount = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(textBoxSendingAmount.Text, out amount)) { labelSendingError.Hide(); labelSendingError.Text = ""; } else { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = "Invalid Amount"; } } private async void buttonSendMax_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fee = await GetFee(); decimal feeDecimal = decimal.Parse(fee); textBoxSendingAmount.Text = (balance - feeDecimal).ToString(); } private async void buttonSendHNS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string address = textBoxSendingTo.Text; bool valid = await ValidAddress(address); if (!valid) { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = "Invalid Address"; return; } decimal amount = 0; if (!decimal.TryParse(textBoxSendingAmount.Text, out amount)) { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text += " Invalid Amount"; return; } string feeString = await GetFee(); decimal fee = decimal.Parse(feeString); string subtractFee = "false"; if (checkBoxSendSubFee.Checked) subtractFee = "true"; else if (amount > (balance - fee)) { labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text += " Insufficient Funds"; return; } AddLog("Sending " + amount.ToString() + " HNS to " + address); string content = "{\"method\": \"sendtoaddress\",\"params\": [ \"" + address + "\", " + amount.ToString() + ", \"\", \"\", " + subtractFee + " ]}"; string output = await APIPost("", true, content); JObject APIresp = JObject.Parse(output); if (APIresp["error"].ToString() != "") { NotifyForm notify = new NotifyForm("Error Transaction Failed"); notify.ShowDialog(); return; } AddLog(APIresp.ToString()); string hash = APIresp["result"].ToString(); string link = userSettings["explorer-tx"] + hash; NotifyForm notifySuccess = new NotifyForm("Transaction Sent\nThis transaction could take up to 20 minutes to mine", "Explorer", link); notifySuccess.ShowDialog(); textBoxSendingTo.Text = ""; textBoxSendingAmount.Text = ""; labelSendingError.Hide(); labelSendingError.Text = ""; buttonNavPortfolio.PerformClick(); } catch (Exception ex) { AddLog(ex.Message); labelSendingError.Show(); labelSendingError.Text = ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Receive private void textBoxRecieveAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clipboard.SetText(textBoxReceiveAddress.Text); labelReceive2.Text = "Copied to clipboard"; labelReceive2.Left = (panelRecieve.Width - labelReceive2.Width) / 2; } #endregion private void textBoxDomainSearch_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyValue == 13) { e.SuppressKeyPress = true; DomainForm domainForm = new DomainForm(textBoxDomainSearch.Text, userSettings["explorer-tx"], userSettings["explorer-domain"]); domainForm.OriginalForm = this; domainForm.Show(); } } } }