# BB-Pen-1 There is a server running at `` (or kali.boysbrigade.au). You can connect using the following username: `gituser` Somewhere in this repository is the password to the user `gituser`. ## Challenge 1 (Super Easy) Once you log in, you will find a file called `flag.txt` in the home directory. This file contains the flag (proof you finished) for this challenge. After you find the flag, DM it to me on Discord or email it to me. ## Challenge 2 (Still Super Easy) There is another flag hidden somewhere in the same directory. ## Challenge 3 (More Difficult) There are many more flags hidden around the server. Whoever finds the most flags will win a prize next week. Submit your flags to me by DM on Discord or email. Or you can just tell me in person on Friday. ### Hints - After you find the password, you can use `ssh` to log in to the server. - The command is `ssh @`. - You will be prompted about the authenticity of the host. Type `yes` and press enter. (This is used to make sure you are connecting to the right server) - You will be prompted for the password. You can type it or paste it by right clicking. - Here are some useful commands to know - `ls` - List files in the current directory - `cat ` - Print the contents of a file - `pwd` - Print the current working directory - `cd ` - Change directory (disabled for you atm) - `help` or `man` - Get help about a command (some commands need one or the other) - `su` - Switch user Eg. `su gituser` (you will be prompted for the password) - `echo \` - Print the value of a variable (eg. `echo $flag`) - `logout` - Log out of the server (also `Ctrl+D`) ### Without SSH If you don't have SSH you will be shown this message when you try to connect: !['ssh' is not recognized asan internal or external command, operable probgram or batch file.](not_installed.png) If this happens for you, you can use https://ssh.boysbrigade.au to connect to the server over the web. Use username `BB` and the same password as you would to SSH.